Tuesday, February 2, 2010

>I'm just not getting the "Fast Food Diet" hoopla

>There was another segment on my fave morning news show about the "Fast Food Diet" fad out right now. I listened to it and the whole time was thinking, "even these experts talking about this are crazy!" One of them got it right when she said that still these "diet friendly" items are full of sodium even if the calorie and fat content is less. I don't know about you but I do watch my sodium intake.

It really does affect the number I see on the scale from day to day. Even on days when I drink 100+ ounces of water I can tell when my sodium intake has been too high. Normally I see it in my ankles. Gross, right!? They aren't that huge and puffy and aren't noticable to even my hubby but the point is I KNOW that it makes a difference for me. Does that mean I stay away from all higher sodium foods? No, of course not. ;)

I guess what gets me is they say how much better a regular/plain bean burrito is for you than the one full of taco sauce and cheese. Right. I get that. BUT why not heat up some of those prepackaged veggies (the steamer kind) and toss a frozen chicken breast in the oven the night before and take that for lunch? It's cheaper than that fast food crap anyway and you aren't getting the fat and calories or the same amount of sodium.

I do realize that there are times we all grab those convenient fast food items but I guess my problem is they call it a "diet." I can't grasp that concept at all! And while some people have claimed to lose tons of weight eating at one fast food joint or the other I still think there is much more to their success then trading a few of their regular fast food meals with those lower cal/fat meals. There are so many other things to take into count when it comes to those "success stories."

Anyway, I have no purpose for this rant other than the whole concept drives me nuts! I know I don't always make the best choices when eating but my problem is there really has to be more to those success stories! And that's just my opinion. ;)