Tuesday, February 9, 2010

>I almost gave in to my lazy bone!

>So, last night I had told myself that after my GS meeting I was going to hit the gym and do some running. By the time I got home and got Annabelle in and settled it was late... well, late for heading back into town to go to the gym. 8:30. By the time I would get to the gym it would be almost 9 so I told myself I was going to stay home.

Well, after I talked to my husband and did a little work on the computer it was 9:30 or so. So, you know what I was thinking, "It's way too late for the gym, the Wii is out of commission... so hey, take a break." That thought didn't last long and before I knew it I was staring at the dvd collection looking for my Biggest Loser workout dvd. I laced my shoes back up and put the dvd in!

I set it a "custom" workout and ended up doing almost an hour total. The first part was cardio and the second was strength training. Bob Harper is so cute even when he is pushing you to go the distance. ;)

Tonight is a regular gym night for me. I will be back to running. My husband kindly reminded me last night that I have 7 weeks until my first 5k of the year.