Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Call me CrAzY!!!

A few days ago a friend of mine starting posting "fitness challenges" as her Facebook status. I commented on one and she "dared" me to join. I kind of laughed it off and then she emailed me saying I really should get in on it. So, we talked some about what Tuesday's challenge should be and today when she posted her status I knew it was on.

We decided planks was the challenge for today.

She worked out this morning, I did not. Today was a scheduled rest day for me so I was thinking the planks would be a great challenge on an off day from running.

Here is where crazy comes in.
She decided to do 5 seconds per "Poke" she got on Facebook. Since I am able to hold a plank for 60+ seconds I decided to go with 10 seconds per plank thinking I'd probably only get 5 or 6 pokes.

Want more crazy??
10 seconds per poke and 1 plank per poke.
I got TWELVE pokes!!!

Do you know what that translates to?
12 planks at 2 minutes each.
Insert mega CRAZY here!

I'm debating tomorrow's challenge since my training plan calls for a 5 mile run.
I did tell my friend I would be sticking with her 5 seconds per poke on planks next time though!!!