Sunday, January 30, 2011

>The great 8

>This week my running miles have really added up. I completed week four of my half marathon training plan and so far I feel great. I ran a total of 19 miles this week making that the most miles I've ran in one week, ever!

My runs this week went as follows:
~Monday 3 miles in 31 mins on the treadmill.
~Wednesday 5.25 miles in 57 mins on the treadmill.
~Thursday 3.1 in 32 mins on the treadmill.
~Saturday 8 miles 1:34 on a greenway, with awesome friends.

Other workouts this week:
~Mon.  BodyPump
~Tues  Core Challenge class, ARC trainer
~Weds  BodyPump

All of my runs this week felt pretty good. I had some tenderness in my right knee on Wednesday but was able to push through and have one of the best longer treadmill runs I have ever had. I felt strong and confident. This only concerned me slightly for what was ahead of me on Saturday. I would be running my first ever 8 miler. Why be concerned? Well, I felt like my runs had gone so well through the week that I was due a bad run. And the worrier in me just knew that Saturday would be that day, but thankfully I was so wrong.

I met my running buddies (who so graciously pick me up each far.. and drive to our running location) and we set out for a local greenway to run 8 miles. It was decided to take it easy since last week the run was a bit difficult. So, we ran 8 minutes and walked a minute (I think...I was kind of zoned out a bit this run!) and took a couple of potty breaks. The weather was great and the sun was shining...a gorgeous day in East TN!!  The greenway was nice and not one I had ran before so I really enjoyed that along with the great company and conversation.

When my Garmin (who has still not been named) hit 7.05 I got pumped up! I had officially ran my longest run ever and all I could think was wow, when did my life become this?? I think I zoned out a bit because before I knew it Terri and I were at the lead of the pack and not too much later I was being told to slow down....ooops, sorry! I had completely zoned out by that point and didn't realize I had hit 9:10 pace. I didn't even realize the girls were talking at all. I couldn't hear anything but the thoughts in my head telling me that it was just over a half mile and I would have completed my first 8 mile run! I was pretty stoked. We slowed down and walked a few seconds before picking back up and finishing our run.

All in all I would definitely say that this was a great 8!! I am so grateful for running friends (and my wonderful hubby) to help me get through this training. I am looking forward to the next few weeks and the additional mileage. I still am just in awe that years ago my Friday night life was pigging out on junk food and being lazy. These days the hubby and I are being cautious of what we eat to prepare for the next day's long run. Saturday mornings are not spent sleeping in, but setting an alarm to get up and out the door to run...long! It kind of thrills me when I think about the difference I have made in my lifestyle.

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