Friday, January 14, 2011


>Per Doctor's orders I am to take it easy and rest a few days.

Last week sometime I started feeling a bit congested and sneezy. I might have also had a bit of a scratchy throat. It lasted a few days but overall I felt fine. I went about my week as normal and worked out when time permitted and rested when I felt the need.

This week I thought I was feeling better and other than a major coughing attack following Monday's snowy run I have been ok. Nighttime always sparks the cough though and apparently it isn't just driving me crazy but hubby made mention that I coughed all night long the last couple of nights. Oopsie.

Today I woke up with a bit more tightness in my chest, soreness in my throat and a major headache. "Go to the doctor," a couple of people said. But really I don't feel that bad and I haven't had a fever. Yeah, I'm one of those that thinks (I) need to be seriously sick to even make a trip to a doctor's office which is why I still (2 years after my doctor moving to a different practice) do not have a regular doctor. ha. I just don't get sick.

Anyway, around lunch time I sent hubby a text and said, "Should I go the clinic?" And of course he said, "about your cough." I debated but after hubby said he was afraid if I didn't go and kept on like I have been if I did have bronchitis he was afraid I'd get walking pnuemonia or something. So I called and they told me there were only 6 people in the waiting area. I went.

Ugh. Doc confirmed what hubby thought. Bronchitis but also that I have an ear infection which is crazy because I have had no pain in my ear at all. So, I went on to ask the dr about activity and if it'd be okay to go on with my current workouts. He asked exactly what I meant. lol I chuckled and said, "Well, I have a 5 mile run planned for tomorrow and I'd like to keep that part of my schedule as is." HA Yeah, he said no way. Come on!?

Apparently it's true... your body does need rest to get over these things. So, I am going to take the dr's advice. Tonight I will (wait til hubby gets home) and take the kickbutt cough meds and antibiotics the dr prescribed and take it easy. Hopefully by not hearing me cough all night long hubby can get some more rest too. And tomorrow I will skip my 5 miler (which really is disappointing to me because it is my long run for the week and means making up for mileage not only for my half marathon training but also Tall Mom's 1000 mile club) but I cannot promise that the Emert clan will not venture out of the house for something.

Have a great weekend!