Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Tuesday Randoms

~ Is it hot where you are? If not, consider yourself lucky! However, in looking at a map of the US on the weather report this morning it looks like we are all dealing with hot temps. Has this made an impact on your running like it has mine? Ugh. I ran w/the TinRoof crew last night and my pal M. It was brutal. I struggled, a lot. We kept a speedy enough running pace and even with all the walk breaks I needed (due to the heat and my hip) we still averaged a 10 min mile. Not bad. However, I know it would have been such a better run if the heat had not played a role and if I was 100% healthy. 3.1 miles done though!

~ I'm looking very forward to my PT session today. My hip feels tons better but I still have a bit of tightness in my hamstring and back. Hoping that now that the severe joint pain is better I am able to accomplish more today. I feel like I can so fingers crossed that feeling goes with me into my session. I'm also hoping he has been able to view my results and has a plan of attack that will be positive. I only have the 2 sessions this week then vacation next week before seeing the new Dr. I'm hoping these 2 sessions and a week of vacation will be a good thing!

~ Speaking of vacation.. I think I did mention that. I leave this weekend for a week long stay at the beach. I don't usually worry about my vacations as I have been on this whole weight loss/fitness journey long enough to know that just because it's a vacation doesn't mean it is a free pass to only sit on my butt and be lazy or to make poor eating choices. Lucky for me (and my family) we stay in places with full kitchens. One of the first stops we make upon arrival at our destination is the grocery store to stock up on healthy food that we have carefully planned out via our weekly menu/grocery list. I also make a plan ahead of time as to how I will remain active while on vacation. We usually scope out a place that has a gym or at least check to see if one is available before we leave so we can pack accordingly. If you are looking for tips on how to survive a vacation away without coming home a few pounds heavier check out FUDiet.com for tips on Travel and Weight Gain. You can be a vacation success.

~ Some giveaways you should check out...
Too Tall Fritz Fave Training Items Giveaway
Mommy Run Fast's Big Book of Marathon Training Giveaway

~ That's all for now folks! Hope you have a great Tuesday!