Wednesday, November 10, 2010

>Bootcamp = Tight calves

>Monday afternoon I left work early to head to the gym. I had made my mind up that I was going to try the bootcamp class at my gym. I had never taken it before and was doubting I would survive when the class description was followed by "advanced." But I went anyway.

The class was great. We started with a 2 mile warm up jog around the building (outside). I jogged along side a friendly girl in class who chatted with me the whole way. Fun. Then we ran up the stairs once we were inside and headed back to the room. The class consisted of different intervals of jumping rope, shuffle running, jump squats and push ups. Once those intervals were done we did a few upper body exercises. I felt great being able to keep up with the hard body group that was taking it despite the fact that I was the fat girl in the class. I didn't let that intimidate me too bad! ha

After the class some of the ladies that run asked if I want to go run the loop around the pond with them. I very hesitantly said yes and that I knew they would blow me away. They assured me I would be fine. And I was. I felt (and still feel) really good about the class and the run following it. I've come a long way in the last year and it has taken me a while to finally realize that I am capable of great things.

The only bad thing is that my calves are tight! Tight. Very tight. I'm pretty sure it is from all the jumping rope (which I actually liked!) during bootcamp. I am planning a trail run tonight but am worried about the tightness causing me problems. Part of me thinks they will losen up once I get going but the other part of me is afraid they won't. I started having some cramps in my right calf during my last 5k race (10-30) but ran through that as best I could with no real issues other than it showing up here and there during some of my recent runs. We will see how today's run goes. I'm not shooting for time or distance but just getting out and enjoying my run and the beauty around me!

I leave you with this quote that was shared by on Facebook today.

"Being your best is not so much about overcoming the barriers other people place in front of you as it is about overcoming the barriers we place in front of ourselves." -Kieren Perkins