Wednesday, March 10, 2010

>My whereabouts and such...

>Last week was super busy between my son's birthday, him getting sick the night of his birthday, Girl Scout cookie stuff and then my Sweet Girl had a nasty case of strep throat when she woke up Friday morning. And all of that was just during the week!
Friday night my mom came in town for Peanut's birthday party on Saturday. I was up at 6am getting ready for his 10am party. We had to be at Chickfila at 9 to pick up food. :) I LOVE Chickfila. However, I don't recall eating much that day! I shared a chicken biscuit w/Peanut on the way to drop off Sweet Girl at her Mamaw's. Poor sicky couldn't go to the bday party because she was still considered contaigious. :( She was sad. I was sad. We all were sad.
But the party was a blast. From 10am until around noon we jumped, ran and played all over the gym floor and huge slide at a local gymnastics place. So much fun! Immediately after packing the car from Peanut's party we had to take him to another birthday party. This time swimming! I did not nor would I have even considered putting on a swimsuit in front of a bunch of other preschool mama's. Nope not me. But I did eat a small piece of cake and one small scoop of ice cream.

Did I mention at my own son's party I had NO food! LOL How does that happen?
Anyway, I felt fine with my choice of bday cake and ice cream because I knew I had worked at least a few of those not so good for me calories off by running around at the gym.

Later that evening I had to work a GS Cookie booth for two hours. I was completely wiped out by the time I got home. BUT despite that my hubby and I loaded up the kids to go grab some quick dinner. Yikes. I had a burger and fries and I do not want to disclose any information about where we ordered from! It was good though.

And I would love to say that we have finally settled down into a not so hectic week, but that is far from the truth. In fact if I didn't have a desk top calendar I would be convinced that today was Friday already! LOL It is not.

I have no idea where exactly I am going with this post but there are a few things I DO want to discuss. :)
My weigh in last week -----
Do you remember my March Goals???
Let me remind you of one of the very first goals I listed!   
It was to be below 190 by the end of the month. Do you see just how close I am?? Eeek! I CAN do this!

Last week wasn't so great. I talked myself into taking it easy since there was so much going on and I was so overwhelmed with how busy I was. Not a great choice, I know, but it is what it is.. or maybe it was what it was! This week is a different story!
3-8 Ran hills 20 mins 1.8 miles 11:26 min/mile
       Ran 12:09 mins 1.3 miles 9:43 min/mile
       Ran 16:07 mins 1.5 miles 10:45 min/mile
I also did a little training run on the treadmill. I can't remember what it was called BUT I was pleased with the results. It told me I was at 90% on my fitness level and my rating was superior. Not too shabby!

3-9 Ran 39:12 mins 3.7 miles 10:44 min/mile
I am pleased with my run last night but wish overall that I was consistent with my pace. I am not. I struggle. I love to run. I feel good after running and for the most part during my run I feel good. Sometimes I have some leg pain but manage to work through it if I stop and walk or stretch. I just wish I could find my pace and of course I'd like MY pace to be faster but sometimes I think maybe I can trying to hard to get fast. I'm not even sure how much sense I just made, ha ha.

Tonight I plan to rest because I have started to get some kind of sinus/cold thing going on and haven't been sleeping well. I am going to try to talk myself into at least doing a Wii workout. Love the EA Sports Active Trainer and want to get back into regular workouts with it.

I have approximately 18 days until my first 5K race this year. I want so badly to FEEL ready. So my goal the next week and a half is to get mentally prepared. I think if I can get over the mental aspect of running (which I think is what is getting me down) I can reach my goal!

And with this long post....
I am outta here! I hope to not be so long posting again. :)