Friday, January 8, 2010


>I'm struggling this week.
Struggling in more areas than I can even think.
I have had emotional days, but managed to not turn to eating. So, that would be the good in this whole post.
And I think noting the good first is a plus. lol
I'm struggling getting all of my Beck book read.
I'm struggling with picking a diet.
I'm struggling with getting to the gym. This is due in part to the icy roads.
I'm struggling with the fact that it's nice to sit under my heating blanket and just chill.
I don't like any off this at all.

I want to get my Beck reading done.
I want to understand everything I've read and have it all just make sense.
I want the pounds to melt off.
I want my body to get toned up and look better.
I want to find a diet that will work for me so that the pounds will fall off.
I want to run. And I want to run far (even if it is only on a treadmill).
I want to not have days where I am stressed.

So, what am I going to do about all the negative?
I'm going to be proud to not turning to food and eating myself into an emotional binge eating coma.
I am going to get up in the morning and take myself to the gym.
I am going to run as far as my legs will take me (even if it is just on the treadmill) when I go to the gym tomorrow.
I am going to read and understand my Beck book.
I am going to make a diet work for me.
I am going to watch my body transform - less pounds, more toned = better health!