Friday, October 28, 2011

She lives.


8 days have passed since my last post. Shame shame shame.
I've come here and sat down to write and no words come out. Imagine that.

What's been going on?
This week I decided to trick my body a bit. I did all of my workouts in the morning, well all but one. I was sleepy on Wednesday so I decided to sleep in and take my workout to the evening.

Monday - BodyPump and ARC trainer
Tuesday - Ran 5 miles
Wednesday - 45 min Interval workout on the ARC trainer
Thursday - Ran 3.1 miles

Today I am resting because I realized I have worked out since Saturday, October 22!! Hello. That's a lot of days working out without a break. Eeek.

And tomorrow!!!!! Ahhhhh.
Tomorrow is my 3rd half marathon! Our "costumes" are all ready to go (I think). I had a little help with mine since I cannot sew. And I was not able to convince the hubby that he should also wear a cape so he'll be "dressed" to match me but not as super-hero like as me. That's fine though. I'm just excited to have him by my side another 13.1 miles!

I promise to take pics and post all the awesome details!