Sunday, September 18, 2011

"Date night" run

As part of my challenge this week, one of my fellow bloggies challenged me to have a date with my hubby. If you do not already know he is a high school football coach AND we are right in the middle of a very busy football season. I am training for a half marathon that is coming up in two weeks. We both are hoping to run a half marathon together on October 29th. So, to say we are busy is a bit of an understatement. Date night's do not come easy for us right now and neither do running dates because of the whole football thing. He has meetings on Saturday mornings and that makes it tough, especially with the kids, for us to get many training runs in together.

BUT! We lucked up this week. The kids spent the night away! Score.
We planned a long(er) run together for Saturday morning. I am in taper mode so I had only planned to run 8. The hubby felt like he could also be up for 8 as he is trying to build mileage back up. So, it was a plan. Unfortunately (or fortunately depending on how you look at it!) we had gone out with a few friends Friday night after the football game (our team won!!). This meant a little celebrating...fried appetizers and a couple of hard drinks (for me). This is NOT something I do regularly so it was a nice change up. We had a great time laughing and enjoyed the company.

I woke up with a slight headache. We both woke up with "ick" tummies. But we dressed and headed out the door to run anyway. At about 4 miles I told hubby that I thought maybe I was done. I told him I would go one more (because that's how far it was back to the car) and that rather than go on to finish my last 3 miles I would run the couple of errands I had before picking up the kids. I just didn't have another 3 miles in me. I was however happy to have spent the last 54 minutes with my hubby running 5 miles.

We did most of our half marathon training together for our first 13.1 in the spring and that was nice. This go round has been much different and we have only had the chance to run together a few times. We both enjoyed the morning, minus the tummy stuff, and are looking forward to running together more when football season is over.

So, I think I can count Friday night and Saturday morning as part of my challenge this week to have a "date night" or just some time with the hubby enjoying each other!!

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