Thursday, August 25, 2011

Do you like updates???


I should update here more often. Heck, I should just be regular.. as in blog regular... I have no real issues (most days) being regular. You're glad I shared that tidbit of info. Thank me later. :)

Thanks to everyone who gave me well wishes! I DO feel much better than I did last week even if the sinus stuff is coming/going depending on the day. I didn't go to the dr though I probably should have or needed to (may still be the case even).

The gym has seen a lot of me. My friend, Kelsey, the GO GIRL! has joined me a lot this week for some great workouts. I have enjoyed that. We went to BodyPump, Spin class and Ab blaster class already together this week. She text me today that she's sore. Sore is good! Tonight we plan to hit up a couple of treadmills (I have a 6 mile run with 4 mile tempo to do) and Abs Blast class again. I love the ab work I have been getting lately! Hopefully it helps in that area because I need it...bad.

I've sat down a few times since my last post to write a few different posts but my thoughts leave me and by the time I come back. ugh. I cannot get my head back into the posts I was writing. I hate that. Anyway, I am still working on trying to just be a regular poster like I once was.

My life is not overly exciting right now though. I am training for my 2nd half marathon (Oct 2nd - Atl, GA). My kids started school earlier in the month. We got a new puppy this summer. AND ....And... it is football season so my hubby is super duper busy all.the.time with football related activities.

Some things coming up-
~ My first double digit run since April of this year. Holy heck am I nervous about that one. Can I do it?? Gah.
~ Football game on Saturday. This makes the second week in a row for Saturday evening football. It is tough to work that in the schedule with my long run being on Sunday. Late night + early morning long run = sleeping in church? LOL
~ I had an InBody assessment done at the gym this morning. THe last time I had one done was in October. I am on the hunt for where I put the printout from October so I can compare. When I do, watch for a post!
~ I decided today to change my weight loss goals! See above post.

Question time...
~What do YOU think I should blog about? What are some things you wanna know about me, from me, by me? How can I liven things up here and get back to regular posting??

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