Wednesday, September 5, 2012

August recap and September goals

August came and went really quickly. After summer vacation was over it seems time just flew right on by and my kids were in school, football season had started and fall is right around the corner. I don't really have a lot to recap for the month of August. It wasn't an overly exciting month...hotter than all get out but not very exciting. I did not race but I logged some pretty decent miles. I am not totally healed from my hip injury but I went to my last PT appointment and was given the go ahead to run all I want by the orthopedic dr. I didn't lose a ton of weight but the scale did finally start moving in the right direction.

So, what do I have to say?

Milage - 118 miles for August
Some running hi-lites are - getting back to regular double digit long training runs. This has been very good for me and I've noticed a change in where I am now compared to where I was this same time last year. Progress is always good. This time last year I was gearing up for my 2nd half marathon. I now find myself gearing up for half marathon #6!

Weight- 2 lbs lost
But I can't really count them since they're 2 of the 7 lbs I've been up since my marathon in April. Yes, I spent 12 weeks injured but that's not an excuse (to me). Still, I am 10 lbs lighter than I was this same time last year AND my clothes are smaller. Something is working my favor. I still have work to do though.

Just how is that pesky hip?
Well, like I said PT is over. I also got cleared by my dr to run as I can and if there is no pain then he doesn't need to see me. Good, no surgery. I am mostly fine. There are only certain times when I have issues and it's not so much in my hip joint on the labrum where the tears were/are/whatever but my pesky hip flexor and the fact that it is overcompensating still. This just means that on fast(er) runs or long runs or even hilly runs I get a bit of tightness. Nothing that can really be fixed during a run though so I spend a good deal of time after the run foam rolling and stretching and that does help. I'll keep moving right along as long as my pesky hip will let me.

September is here! And it's almost a week gone. Crazy.
I haven't really thought about goals besides to just keep going in the direction I am going. I say that every single month, don't I!? I know. I as over it as you are.
I could say that I am going to try something new but really there isn't much I haven't already tried by way of classes at my gym or running. However, this weekend I am going to run a race. It's a distance I haven't raced before so that is going to be my try something new for the month. I don't have a time goal since it's a racing distance first. I'll already have a PR just for running and finishing!

Weight wise I refuse to set anymore numerical goals month to month or week to week. I'm not doing it for September however what I am doing in that regard is making a more conscious effort to eat cleaner. We do a great job for the most part but there are times (like tonight) when I go out with friends and have every intention of eating a salad but totally go for something else (like bbq quesadillas and sweet potato fries).

Mileage goal for September? Hmmm. I am kind of on this 100 miles per month streak. I like it. If I finish this week up like I think I am going to I will already be up over 40 miles for the month which is almost halfway to goal! I think I can make it. Half marathon training has gone well and with only a few more weeks til race day I still have at least 2-3 more double digit weekend long runs which should definitely put me over 100 for the month!

Overall I am pleased with how summer went despite the injury. I am happy to be running and have gotten back to where I was pre-injury in a short amount of time. Despite the weight thing I still feel like I am successful. And of course like I said, I can only keep moving forward from here. I like where I'm going.

Did you meet your August goals? What goals have you made for September?

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