Thursday, May 29, 2014

The difference 3 weeks can make.

They say it takes 21 days to make or break a habit. I'd like to think that in 24 days/3 weeks I did both of those. I broke bad habits and reformed new, good habits.

In 3 weeks or 24 days here is what I lost -
* addiction to coffee and lots and lots of junky creamer.
* addiction and undying need/want for all things sweet
* 7.6 pounds gone forever
* 9.75 inches gone from my body

In the same time frame I gained -
* energy!!! Energy to come home and not be a slug even on days I woke up to run the track at 4am!
* confidence - that I can. I can do what I am doing and not let nay sayers get me down about it.
*  my old wardrobe back!
* motivation, determination - it's back and the fire is even bigger this time.

I had tried hard (after losing 90 lbs) the last year or so to get my body back on track with losing weight. It wasn't budging. I didn't have it in my mind to work the way it needed. I was eating well though (through the week) and the weekend would hit. I lost all control on weekends. I had told many people, NO I don't need this or that. But finally, I broke down and my simple yes turned into something bigger than I expected. Part of my success goes beyond just the weight loss and inches gone. What I am most eager about is how I FEEL!! I am not dragging by 2-3pm every day and that's even on my 4am days! I have energy to spend time with the kids, to clean my house and to just get extra stuff done outside of my workouts. I don't dread my workouts. I'm up and ready to go most days instead of hitting the snooze button until the very last minute. I'm sticking and staying.

And here is visual proof as to why....


  1. You look fantastic! I loved the way I felt doing the cleanse but for whatever reason couldn't tough it out the whole 24 days. I'd love to hear meal/snack ideas.
