Thursday, April 24, 2014

Three Things Thursday

1. This blog still exists. I need to make an effort to make it exist more. ;)
The truth is I have avoided  blogging because my running has been very "blah" lately and there's nothing fabulous to report. That has been quite depressing for me. I've been in Physical Therapy since late Jan/early Feb. Looking back it doesn't feel like it's been that long but seriously that is a LONG time. I've been running. Less than I like, but running. What I have not been doing is racing. I love racing. It's prime racing season and my poor Kinvaras aren't being used (on the track or on race days). I think they're beginning to feel neglected. It hurts. I registered and then had to DNS my first 5k of the season. Big, fat suckfest!

2. What exactly IS up with the PT thing?
Well, I may get released today. Like released from seeing him or at least on an "as needed" basis. I've been released to run the entire time because the goal has been to keep me running but making sure it's pain free. Obviously there had been some painful runs, which is why I said running wasn't bringing me anything fabulous to report. The hip has been mostly cooperative with the occasional impingement issue here and there. My glutes are weak but we are working on that. And my back, mercy it's tight and has been receiving a lot of work. I'm hopeful. Today I am hopeful. I'm on a run 2/off 1 day schedule and easy runs only. Next week I can add back those beloved striders after my easy runs and possibly get to some hills (they seem to give my hip some issues). So, be hopeful with me!

3. Other excitement.
PT has told me that I can pick up the kettle bells again. Swing 'em, lift 'em, get stronger. That is exciting news because honestly I KNOW that this extra 15 I've packed on the last yr+ isn't going anywhere with running (or lack of) alone. I NEED to lift weights to make the muscles burn baby! So, that is good news. The issue will be working that time back into my schedule and getting use to a running plus gym routine. The best part is that we are closing in on the end of the school year and my kiddos routines will change. That means they can stay up later and getting home by 6:30-7 won't be as much of an issue w/homework. So, yay summer because summer means more gym time!

1 comment:

  1. I feel you!!! I can't wait for the summer to be able to go to the gym as I please!!
