I went to the gym early this morning to get my run on. 6 miles on tap for today. Finished those in 58:04 and felt happy. I was a bit late in the locker room due to chit chatting with the women. And I was prepared for the day with all of my food except breakfast. It's hard for me to pre-plan that sometimes on my early morning gym days. This meant I would either have to grab something, eat a bar or stop by the store. I wanted to stop at the store on the way in anyway because I am addicted to La Croix sparkling water and had hoped to get some grapefruit flavored water for today. So, I decided to just pick up something at the store for breakfast.
[caption id="attachment_1118" align="aligncenter" width="300" caption="Smart Ones (crap food, I know!) french toast and turkey sausage with green grapes"]
We had some yummy tacos (salad for me) last night for dinner and I was excited there was leftovers for my lunch today. A big pile of romaine topped with taco meat, refried beans, some chick peas, salsa and my fave guacamole!
[caption id="attachment_1119" align="aligncenter" width="225" caption="Taco Salad, La Croix grapefruit flavored and a green apple"]
After work I met my husband at the gym. He joined me again for my BodyFlow class. I've said a million times how much I love this class. The last part of class, relaxation, is my favorite part. Tonight someone in class had a coughing fit, not very relaxing. Someone also opened the door and started to come in the room. That totally broke my focus on relaxing but as we are taught I just focused back on my breathing and all was nice and relaxed again. I was excited to go home for dinner because we were having one of my favorite meals.
[caption id="attachment_1120" align="aligncenter" width="300" caption="Baked potato with shredded bbq chicken and a side of sugar snap peas."]
I did use a little sour cream on my potato and I had a Laughing Cow swiss with my sugar snap peas. I love this dinner so much.. simple but tasty and very filling.
And for snacks...
[caption id="attachment_1121" align="aligncenter" width="300" caption="Chobani 0% Peach and a nectarine"]
I am really loving Chobani right now. The peach I had today was so good. I cut up some of my nectarine too and added that to it. I didn't snap pictures of my afternoon snack because I got so busy but I had a decent sized portion of raw baby carrots and sugar snap peas and a handful (about 7 really) almonds.
I feel like it was overall a good eating day! If you want to get in on the fun be sure to click the link above!