My husband was waiting on us when we got back to the picnic area. Well the whole gang really was. Once they all came into view, I threw my arms in the air and boogied my booty like a crazy person yelling for the whole park to hear, "21 freakin' miles, baby!!!!!" And Michaela met me with a big ol' sweaty runner hug. You know those are the best kind! It felt so good to know that everyone there waiting was as excited about my new distance as I was.
The first thing I did when I got back was take off my shoes and went straight for one of the yummy burgers my hubby had made. I wish I had gotten a picture of it.. big, juicy beef burger topped with cheese! I threw that bad boy on a bun and a huge dollop of guacamole Michaela had made. It was so so good. Then it was time for my favorite post run treat...
[caption id="attachment_1143" align="aligncenter" width="300" caption="Will Run for Cupcakes!"]
Best cupcake ever, seriously! I don't really like Cadbury eggs. It has something to do with the whole yolk thing but when M told me she was making Caramel Cadbury egg cupcakes too I was stoked. Luckily the cupcake I picked was exactly that. Heaven.
We sat around and talked running a while. I borrowed Angela's stick and rolled that bad boy over my legs for about as long as I could stand which ended up being less than 3 minutes. haha
I wish I had been awesome enough like the rest of the gang and stuck even my big toe in the water but honestly I was just took hungry and stoked that I ran 21 miles to hobble down into the water. But take a look at them all being awesome...
And because I am a slow runner I missed out on all the planking fun with these girls. Look at them kickin' some plank butt after their long run!!!
The only thing awesome I did post run besides eat was sit on my tired rear end covered with a blanket because I was freezing. My friends were so kind to document it via photographic evidence for me. I was thankful for my husband allowing me the use of his strong legs for back support.
[caption id="attachment_1147" align="aligncenter" width="300" caption="Chillin' post run"]
And while I enjoyed my rocky seat, Lindsay showed us her rad hooping moves.
After a little more chatting we all decided it was time to start packing up and heading home. We got one last group shot of all the ladies.
[caption id="attachment_1149" align="aligncenter" width="300" caption="Terri, Angela, Michaela, Lindsay, Brooke and me (only one sitting..haha)"]
I am SO thankful for such a great group of running friends.I only met some of these girls recently while I have known Terri over a year now but I am truly blessed to know them all and to be part of the great running community. These girls don't judge me for my slow pace, instead they push me to become a better runner and I love that! I'm so glad they let me run with them and hang out! We had such a great time hanging out together after our run. I cannot wait to do it again!