1. I had a little time alone tonight. My husband is away for his football coaching gig and my kids went on spring break a day early. I dropped the two little people off with my inlaws this evening and did a little shopping since I was clothes to the outlet malls. Let me say this... shopping should be fun after a lot of weight loss and usually it is BUT at the same time it is super frustrating! I am very happy with my current size. I love being able to walk in stores like The Gap and just pick up the size M (or 10) and know it's going to fit. What I don't like it what weight loss leaves behind that a lot of people can't see. Skin, lots of it. And tonight I noticed I have it on the back/sides of my thighs. Oh fun! or not. I did score some great things.
2. Today was going pretty well in the food department then I got into the bag of gummi bears. I usually have a method to my Haribo Gummy bear madness. Just 5 bears, one of each color. I eat the one I like least first and move to my fave. Today I had more than I should have (about 20 bears). I logged them though. I don't love how too much sugar sits so hard my stomach. Lesson learned. Sorry, cute little Haribo bears but we are taking a break.
3. I ended up taking today as a rest day from exercise. This weekend's long run is 22 miles in beautiful Cades Cove. I go back and forth on being nervous and excited. It's a training run so I'm just dumb for being nervous. I'm very excited because I get to run in Cades Cove WITH some freaking amazing running friends AND then food, lots of post run food. I joked that I was going to take cup cakes and beer. At least one part of that is the norm, post really long run, for me so it wouldn't be a huge shock if I showed up with a few dozen cupcakes! haha But I'm pretty sure most runner don't get hydrated after 22 miles with beer. However, I am always willing to try everything at least once. lol