~I missed Motivational Monday due to a lovely combo of an ear ache and migraine last night. So, I took some migraine meds and went to bed by 9:30. Lights out, no noise. I'm pretty sure I was asleep in like 8 minutes. lol I got almost 9 hours of sleep and feel as though I rested well. The migraine was gone but the ear pain, not so much. So instead of getting up for the gym this morning I slept in. The pain was consistent throughout the day so I scheduled a dr's appointment. But as the day went on I finally was convinced to not wait until tomorrow. I was fearful the dumb ear would get as bad as it did last time (Jan/Feb) and be so infected it would rupture. THAT was not fun and I don't want to relive it. So, I went to the walk-in clinic after work rather than meeting my husband for a 4 mile run. I am now armed with some meds and ready to shake this crud.
~I've been over analyzing this whole marathon plan thing. From my outfit to my pace and my fuel/water plan...it's all been on my mind like crazy the last few days. I've made lists and used about a dozen or more post it notes with songs to add to my iPod and different pacing strategies. Obsessive much!? It is all going to work out and I am going to have a blast running!
~If I haven't said it before let me say it again... I have awesome running friends! Terri is off the next two days (yay Spring Break) and has agreed to meet me bright (dark, haha) and early in the morning at MY gym to work. Now if that isn't a true friend and running buddy I don't know what is! I am one lucky girl.
~This weekend my husband and I are celebrating our 10 year wedding anniversary. We had planned a few weeks ago to run 10 miles together in celebration but have sense decided not to do so. This is just me being smart and taking advice I was given in regards to this. I've trained for my race. I've done the long runs, the hill work and the speed work and nothing I do running wise from here until race day will make a huge impact on my performance on race day. I'm happy with everything I have done up to this point and will continue to move my body between now and race day.
~It has been hot here and humid! It's so wild having to get acclimated to this weather so early. The highs for the last few days has been above 80 degrees. Today the high was 84! Craziness for the first day of spring!
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