1. I now have 3 sleeps until race day. I've been really trying to make sure I get my rest this week too. This means going to bed earlier. I'm usually so bad about going to bed at a decent hour. Typically I am in bed by 11, watch the news and then read or play games on the Kindle until after Leno goes off, which around these parts is 12:30 or so. Not good. Especially not good on mornings when I get up around 5:15 to make it to the gym. Haha That hasn't happened this week though. However, I have been in bed by at least 9:30-10 pm each night. That's a record for me. So far only one night has been spent up after the news. My goal for the next 3 nights is to be in bed by 9:30. I want to be as well rested for race day as I possibly can.
2. Today I ran my last run before the race on Sunday. After talking to Terri earlier this week and getting some advice from her I (we) decided that it would be a good idea for me to do 4-3-2 for my last runs this week. We had a great 3 mile run yesterday and did well with maintaining as close to marathon pace as possible. Tonight my plan was an easy 2. I took the opposite route as we ran yesterday. I just wanted to run at a comfortable pace. It rained earlier today so it was kind of cool when I began. This felt good! I finished 2.19 miles in 21:27. A bit faster than I should have gone but like I said it was about running at a pace that felt good. The next two days are rest days. Yay!
3. My feelings about race day keep changing. I only mean that I go back and forth between excitement and nervousness. I was excited yesterday and most of today. After my run tonight, even though it was great, I got nervous. However, I am excited again and cannot wait for this experience. Training has been a lot of fun. My journey with running over the last year has been great and I'm just ready to enjoy the experience. I'm sure the emotions over the next few days will be up, down and back around again!