Sunday, March 4, 2012

Weekend Review and Long Run Fun

Friday night we had tons of storms and I was up late waiting out those nasty storms and tornado warnings. So, I mentioned this to T and we agreed to postpone our long run to Sunday instead of running on Saturday morning. This worked out well for me because it was my son's 6th birthday (time flies and kids grow up way to fast!!). Rather than skipping the calorie burn altogether I decided a quick walk and BodyFlow was great for a busy Saturday. I even talked my husband into going to BodyFlow with me after his long run!

Saturday was super busy! After the gym I was home to rush around getting us all ready and out the door for a birthday party. This was the easy part. Wrangling 7 kindergarten boys at a bowling alley was a whole other workout that I was not entirely prepared for. Fun but wild! Our Saturday did not end there. We had another birthday party to do go that a jumpy house! I was a great mom and played on a few of the slides and blow ups with the kiddos. It's funny because I mentioned that going through that obstacle course with my son got my heart racing as much as a tough run would have. lol

And speaking of running....This week is a step back week so my training plan called for 15 miles. I say 15 miles because I was following the training plan for our local track club's marathon training group and 15 was on schedule for the "advance." I only started following the advance schedule because the long run for it before the marathon is 22 miles rather than 20 miles. Anyway, the other option (novice) was 12 miles this week but I really wanted to go for 15.

So 15 miles was the goal. T and I had planned to meet at 7am this morning. When my alarm clock went off I very much did not want to get up. I didn't sleep well, which I believe is because I had a crazy dream (about running even!) and finally after the 3rd alarm my husband said GO. So, I did. As I was washing my face T text me that she needed to go run later in the day and was sorry. NO way. Don't be sorry, this means I can go back to bed for a couple hours. YAY. So we met at 10am for our run.

We had planned to go in 3.75 miles and back to the car another 3.75 miles then stop for snacks and potty break. However, T was having some calf discomfort and asked if we could cut short at 3.5 as she felt she could only go 7. She's been breaking in some VFFs and I really admire her for that! I was thankful to have her there with me today even for those 7 miles. She's such a trooper as she said later the pain brought tears to her eyes. :( She toughed out those 7 miles with me though. She rocks, in case you don't get that already!

Splits for miles 1-7 (according to my Garmin)
Mile 1: 9:47
Mile 2: 9:49
Mile 3: 9:58
Mile 4: 10:26
Mile 5: 9:57
Mile 6: 9:45
Mile 7: 9:38

Today was a windy day. When I was getting ready the forecast was sunny and 38 degrees with the wind making it 33 degrees. It was sunny though and I was optimistic about how warm it would be in the sun. So I went out in just a long sleeve technical tee and capri tights. I went back in for my jacket and ear warmers. Boy was I glad to have those!

After T and I ran our 7 I went back home to grab my music, have a snack and put on a dry/warm shirt. Because my jacket was also wet/sweaty I threw it in the dryer while I used the bathroom and snacked. haha I was glad I thought to do that because it seemed to be even windier when I went back out. I decided to take a route close to home that wasn't totally on the highway. The only problem with this was the fact that I had to deal with cars on curvy, hilly backroads AND unleashed dogs. I really wish people would fence their dogs or keep them inside. I am not a fan of being chased and my mile 10 time proves that. Rather than run faster I pretty much come to a dead stop and then walk while screaming obscenities at those dumb dogs! And the wind... did I mention that I am not a fan of fighting the wind?? I had my fill of it for sure and decided that even though the plan I was following called for 15 I could scale back to 12 and be good.

Here are the splits for the next 5 miles:
Mile 8: 9:47
Mile 9: 9:45
Mile 10: 11:26 Dumb unleashed dogs!
Mile 11: 9:24
Mile 12: 10:04
last .06: 9:11

Overall this was a great run even though I complained about the wind. I just had more of it than I wanted after 12 miles of it mostly in my face and trying to run hard against it was harder...if that even makes sense. I still felt strong and probably had more run in me if I felt the need to go for it. I was beating myself up at first about only doing 12 miles but seriously 12 miles is still nothing to balk at! 12 miles is TOUGH and I am tough.

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