I had planned for Sunday to be a rest day but when Terri commented on my Daily Mile post from yesterday asking if I wanted to run today there was no question that I did! I'm always up for a run even if it's just a few easy miles. So, we agreed to meet at 7:15 am at our trusty location close to where we both live. I told her that I was up for about 4 miles. We talked last week about my taper week and agreed that 20-25 miles for the week would be good enough. So by getting in a 4 miler today I would be at 24 miles total for the week.
I laid all my running gear out last night and was in bed at a decent hour. I had not been feeling great yesterday as my left ear has started to bug me again so sleep was a little off last night. I took an ibuprofen before bed and that helped with the pain. I was sleeping well until around 4am when the thunderstorms began. It was then that I began dreaming of my run I guess because I kept thinking (or dreaming) that I had text Terri that I was happy to run with her anytime except when lightning and heavy rains were involved. Now, don't get me wrong. I know I cannot control race day weather but if I have the choice on a training run or social/fun run to avoid heavy rain then believe me, I am going to make the choice to skip that run. That might make me a wimp but I'm ok with that.
Anyway, I honestly thought that I had actually text Terri telling her about not running. Turns out I must really have been dreaming it because when my alarm went off I didn't hear any rain on the roof nor did I have a reply text back that she agreed with me on not running and dodging lightning. It had poured rain and there were storms. However, I did NOT text Terri at 4am saying I wouldn't be running. Just a dream. Although, I was not really in the mood to run when my alarm went off at 6:30am. Snooze. 6:35. Snooze. 6:40. Snooze. 6:45. Oh geez, I so want to lay here and sleep. And then my awesome hubby says, "You'll feel better once you're done."
And so I got up, dressed and was out the door on time to meet Terri at 7:15am to run 4 miles. We didn't talk about pace. All I said was, "Are you ok with just 4 with me today?" And she said yep but that depending on how she felt she may go out for more after she ran with me. The weather was great but I was overdressed. If I remember correctly my car read that it was 63 out at 7:15 this morning. I wore capri running tights and a long sleeve tech tee. Dumb move on my part to wear the long sleeves. I actually had on short sleeves but went back in the house and changed after walking out the door and feeling the little breeze. Turns out the breeze wasn't so bad.
We ran and talked mostly about Terri's trail run yesterday. I knew as long as we were having a decent conversation that my pace was comfortable. Turns out we were talking AND pushing the pace quite a bit.
Mile 1 - 9:13
Mile 2 - 8:51
So, apparently we were pushing pretty hard that second mile. We agreed to a little break after the second mile to catch our breath. It always amazes me when I see sub 9s because I still feel like (for me) anything under 10 min miles is fast. We agreed to take the last couple of miles comfortably and just chat and run. So we did.
Mile 3 - 9:31
Mile 4 - 9:05
4 miles ran 36:46 for an average pace of 9:10. Pretty happy with that and definitely glad I dragged my butt out of bed to go. Especially glad that Terri agreed to meet me and run a few miles. The push was great and we both rewarded our efforts with some post run chocolate milk!
And now the countdown until marathon day is on! Today marks 2 weeks!!
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