Here are a few pictures from our day...
[caption id="attachment_1158" align="aligncenter" width="300" caption="Cades Cove"]
[caption id="attachment_1159" align="aligncenter" width="300" caption="oh, hi! "]
[caption id="attachment_1160" align="aligncenter" width="300" caption="Me and my girl"]
[caption id="attachment_1161" align="aligncenter" width="225" caption="He has no fear."]
[caption id="attachment_1162" align="aligncenter" width="225" caption="My little buddy and me."]
[caption id="attachment_1163" align="aligncenter" width="300" caption="The boys were being boys!"]
We had a really great day! We did a little hiking, went in a couple of cabins, played in the water and grilled our dinner out. We are really blessed to live so close to such a lovely area and can visit it so many times each year. I'm so happy to have taken a day off midweek to enjoy away from home, away from the gym and enjoying quality time with my family.
I talked about Thursday in my TTT post so we will just skip directly from Wednesday to Friday. I had planned to get up and make it to the gym early to run a few miles before going to a Core Challenge class. My body had a different plan this morning when the alarm went off. It was NOT moving out of bed. I like to sometimes listen to my body and give it more sleep when it begs. Today was one of those days. :) I enjoyed the extra hour or so of sleep I got. I did pack my gym bag and was debating a midday/lunch run but have serious issues with going back to work gross and sweaty. Just doesn't sound like fun.
So, I decided I would hit the pavement after work and just run what felt good. I set out just after 5pm directly from my office. It's only about a half mile from the local greenway and I liked the fact that it was a different route than my regular plus it wasn't the treadmill! I'm kinda proud to say that all my runs this week have been outside!
Anyway, about a mile in I noticed the sky was getting really dark. I hadn't heard thunder yet and of course didn't check the weather before I left. I text my husband and asked if there were storms. It took a while for him to reply that yes it was starting to rumble over our house. We live about 8 or so miles from where I was running so I wasn't too concerned. I kept on with my run thinking that since tomorrow is St. Pat's day I would run 3.17 miles. Ha! Well, turns out I had gone out a bit further and once I saw 3.10 on my watch I kept going. At 3.17 I wasn't quite back to my car and just couldn't bring myself to hit stop on Garmin and walk the rest of the way back, so I kept running. I ended my run at 3.57 miles in 34:08. It was just in time before this rolled in..
[caption id="attachment_1164" align="aligncenter" width="300" caption="Hello spring storm!"]
I seriously got in my car just as the thunder boomed and the rain drops started! Perfect timing!
Since it is taper week and only 2 weeks (where did the time go??) before my marathon tomorrow's long run is only going to be 10 miles max. I sound like a crazy person saying only 10 miles! I can't believe the time is almost here. I'm off to get some rest and will have a last long run before the marathon report for you tomorrow. Have a great weekend!!
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