I am linking up with Peas and Crayons for this month's What I Ate Wednesday. So here is a little peek in pictures of what I had on my plate today.
[caption id="attachment_1001" align="aligncenter" width="300" caption="Breakfast"]
An english muffin w/a tablespoon of bacon crumbles and cheese. yum! The best part was that it's portable so I can eat it and drink my morning coffee on my drive to the office.
[caption id="attachment_1002" align="aligncenter" width="300" caption="Lunch"]
Pile of leafy greens, feta crumbles, chopped walnuts, Craisins, some apple, and grilled chicken strips with balsamic vingar dressing. I also ate the rest of the apple, which I did not take a picture of. This is one of my most favorite lunches. I ate it yesterday too. I will probably even have it tomorrow!
[caption id="attachment_1003" align="aligncenter" width="300" caption="Dinner"]
Egg, one slice of bacon and home made waffles! I love breakfast for dinner. We had little crockpot mishap with some chicken tonight. Thanks to my husband for trying his absolute best to have dinner ready when we all got home though! He's very good at doing dinner (and even breakfast when we aren't super rushed in the mornings). He did fabulous tonight making breakfast for dinner.
I failed to take pictures of my snacks but will tell you I had some wasabi peas, an orange, popcorn and as much as I could down of a Cliff Bar (before I went to run). I'll have to remember to take pics of my snacks before I eat them for next week's post! I hope you had a tasty day.