I went off my plan. Why??
Well, it's my birthday and I even though I LOVE running I wanted to make time for me to do something else I love at the gym. I knew I wouldn't be able to go to the gym twice nor would I have time before work to squeeze in Spin class plus a run so the decision to skip my run was easy. I know I can run 4-5 miles so I don't feel like missing another little run is a huge deal.
So, my plan to ring in my 33rd year was spin class. Great decision! I loved starting my day with 15.53 hard miles on the spin bike. The instructor was great and the class was fun. Plus it was nice knowing I had been missed in class the last month or so. :D One of the older men from class stopped me last week during my run and asked where I had been and that I'd been missed. I explained to him my training schedule for the marathon and told him I was so paranoid of hurting myself in spin because that's just one of those classes I just go all out for and it's hard to scale back. He understood. When I showed up for class today both L and B said they were glad I came! So nice. They try making me feel good by saying I liven the class up when I sing to the music. DO you know how hard it is to sing and spin? That takes some true talent. haha
After spin class I went to work. Boring birthday spent at work but at least it was mildly quiet.
My husband and kids planned to take me out to dinner. We had a decent meal at O'Charley's in town before heading home for gifts and cake.
Gotta give it my husband this year. He totally outdid himself on my birthday gifts.
[caption id="attachment_1087" align="aligncenter" width="225" caption="Purple Sparkle skirt from Team Sparkle"]
A new purple Sparkle skirt from Team Sparkle to wear with my Team Tough Chik jersey for my first 26.2 in April. And I am happy to report that it is a size M which is a huge change from the size XL I wore when I sported the Pink Traveling Skirt by Team Sparkle back in 2010. And no, I won't be sporting my Sparkle Skirt with my jeans again I just had to try it on for picture purposes. haha
[caption id="attachment_1088" align="aligncenter" width="225" caption="BIb and medal hanger"]
My awesome husband made with his own hands this wonderful medal and bib hanger. This is the best gift ever. I told him tonight that I wasn't sure he ever made anything for me (other than a meal) and I love it. Funny story, Sunday I was out at Michael's buying supplies to make a hanger of my own because I was bored. He text me to see what I was doing and I said, "at Michael's buying stuff to make a medal hanger."
Here is the next line of texting-
Him - no you're not
Me - excuse me?
Him - you heard me
Not knowing exactly how to take it I told Annabelle we should put the stuff up and just get the other stuff we came in to buy. I casually asked her if she knew something I didn't to which she replied, "I can't say a single word or Daddy will just kill me!" Ahhhh secrets! lol So, my husband text me again, "I guess it's ruined." Nope, it wasn't because Annabelle wasn't breathing a word and I let him know that. I think we were both pretty proud of her for being able to not spill the beans. I had a small clue of what might be in store for me today as far as gifts goes but I had no idea how great it would be. And now I can't wait to keep adding my bibs and medals to it!
And of course to finish off my birthday there was cake! I'm very happy to say that 33 has started off as a great year and I am a very happy runner girl.