Thursday, February 2, 2012

Three Things Thursday

1. February is Fab Abs February thanks to a fellow runner/blogger/friend. She made us a swank little Google calendar and posted it for us. Daily exercises for each of the 29 (Yay Leap Year) days this month. Woohoo. The abs/core is one area I need to improve in big time. I won't have 6 pack rock hard abs by the end of the month but this is one step closer to the right direction.

2. Thursday may become "No Technology Thursday" for my runs. Tonight I ditched Mr. G (my Garmin) and the iPod for my 3 miler. I dressed at work, grabbed my mace and cell phone and out the door I went. I mapped out a 3 mile run from my office through town and the park trails. I thought this was going to be metally tough for me since I am use to music when I run solo. I wasn't too concerned about not having my Garmin since I knew what time I started and that I had 3 miles to run, I figured 30 minutes would be good. I made it the whole run with no problems, just taking in the noises (croaking frogs in January is weird) around me and felt great. Definitely something I want to try to do more!

3. I have completed an entire workout schedule for the whole month of February. This makes me really excited because I have never put all of my workouts in black and white before and stuck to it. I'm looking forward to this month and hopefully sticking with the plan. So far I am good for the last two days. I'm hoping to do this all year long and seeing how I can incorporate some of my regular workouts into my marathon training plan. I will definitely post weekly updates on training and workouts.