Valentine's Day isn't one of the holidays we really celebrate around our house. My husband and I have been together for 13 years, married 10 (in March) but don't really feel the need to have this Hallmark Holiday as one to celebrate our love or relationship. We both try daily to tell the other how much we care, love and need the other person in our life. Of course, we both fail sometimes too.
I get quite Grinch-like on Valentine's Day. I refuse to pay $3-$6 for a piece of cardboard with silly words inside and a goofy picture on the outside that 10 other people are also giving their significant others. It's lame. My husband knows that I feel this way and has over the last couple of years resorted to the $1 section cards because he knows this makes me happier. haha Think about it.. I'd rather spend $6 on 3 cups of coffe than a paper card. Last year he got me the $1 card and a few packs of SportsBeans.
This year he broke the rules by adding to my Willow Tree collection and not one but two $1 cards. FOR SHAME!? haha
He also brought home a box of 4 of my favorite cupcakes. Ahhhh! I did induldge in one tonight since I pushed it hard at the gym with my run. (4.06 miles in 37:08) I decided to save the rest of my Valentine's Day cupcakes for later, like Saturday after my 16 miler that is on schedule. Le sigh.
I'm getting way off track here....
I think I was talking about MY Valentine. Yes...
You know what I love about my Valentine?
~ He's crazy enough to let me talk him into this whole distance running thing. Meaning, he joins me for some of my long runs and has ran 3 half marathons with me!
~ He understands my needs for hitting them gym no less than 4 days a week and does whatever he can to help out so that is possible.
~ He believes in me and my dreams/goals, supporting me 100% every step of the way.
~ He tells me I am beautiful and knows which days I need to hear that the most.
So, to my life partner, my partner in parenting, my running buddy and my Valentine...
Happy Valentine's Day!! I hope your day was as full of as much love as mine was!