Once a week one of my Tough Chik teammates will post a question on our Team FB page for those of us with blogs to answer on our blogs as part of the "Riddle Me This Question of the Week." While it is something that me and my Toughies are doing it doesn't mean you can't participate too. Feel free to answer the question in comments or link back and post on your blog too!
This week's question is-
What running rule are you guilty of breaking?
This one is easy for me. I found in reading a lot of the blogs of my fellow Team Tough Chik teammates that I am not alone, which made me feel kinda good. haha But my answer.... I don't stretch enough post run. I DO almost always stretch but it's quick and done. I'm most guilty after a race. I think it's the post race excitement that keeps me from doing it after a race. After a regular weekly run I do stretch for about 5 minutes. After my long runs with friends I do stretch too but only for the few minutes we spend chatting post run. I say all the time that I am going to start going to Yoga but never do. I drive home thinking about my beloved foam roller but then forget as soon as I pull in the drive way or walk in the house. I, like so many other runners, KNOW how important stretching is. And like so many others, I say I will do better. I will.
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