I met M and her friend, A, at 10:15 this morning at our local greenway. We ran there last week and decided it was flat enough with as many inclines as we liked for a long run and was long enough to get in the distance we would need. We ran pretty speedy (for me) last week and had decided if at all possible we would try to slow our pace to a 10:15 min mile from the beginning of our run. It sounded like a good plan anyway...
We arrived on time, got our gear all ready to go and M snapped this lovely pre-run picture.
[caption id="attachment_1075" align="aligncenter" width="300" caption="Badass Mother Runners!!!"]
I was very happy M thought to take a pic of us pre-run and even mentioned that I did bring my camera and wasn't sure how they felt about appearing on the blog but thankfully they both didn't mind. So, I stole the pic M took! ha Thanks girl!
Must say we look pretty darn great (even if it is before that killer run!).
The first 5 miles were great. We were moving at a great pace. At the cut off back to my gym I requested a quick potty break...just in case. Once we got there we all agreed this was a smart move. The next chance wouldn't come up until around mile 8-9 or so. We took the time to fuel up and potty. The first 5 mile splits are:
Mile 1 10:01
Mile 2 9:35
Mile 3 9:34
Mile 4 9:41
Mile 5 9:40
We left my gym and were on our way within a few minutes. I knew my husband was out running his long run today too and made mention that I was surprised we hadn't seen him in passing but I really wasn't sure what route he was running. I didn't see him in the gym but knew he was there as I joked to the girls about his "beater truck" in the parking lot. He'll appreciate that. haha Around mile 5.5 a guy was behind us and passed us. He/we/they all chatted it up about our long run and if we were planning to run Knoxville. Nice to meet friendly runners along the way. And just like that there was my husband running towards us. An even better site (to me)! He high fived me. We all threw our arms in the air and said, "We're winning!!" and "Yay us!!" Such fun, happy runners! Around mile 7 was a "short but ugly" little hill. One that in the past I have always taken pride in walking. haha So glad that I have become strong enough to power up it, both going and coming! We agreed to take another quick refuel/water break around mile 9 (I think) so the next few miles splits are...
Mile 6 9:26
Mile 7 9:40
Mile 8 9:55
Mile 9 10:18
We did take a brief bathroom break when we hit the next bathroom right at 10 miles. I took this time to also check my cell phone since I knew someone had text me. It was my husband. I can't remember what he text me but I remember texting him that were halfway done and he text back, "Great job." I love that he is so supportive and encouraging to me through all this crazy training.
We were all back on our way within a few minutes. We agreed to go out a little further rather than turn back there. A wise running friend once told me it's better to go out a little further and be a bit over the miles for the day than to turn around and go back risking coming up a bit short. Plus it's always hard seeing the car and running past it! Smart to move forward. Miles 10-13.1 are worth giving the splits for...
Mile 10 9:59
Mile 11 10:02
Mile 12 10:02
Mile 13.1 10:11
I started feeling a mental struggle around mile 11. I have NO idea why because I have ran 4 half marathons which means I have ran my fair share of 10+ mile runs. Sure not all of them have been great. There have been mental struggles but usually they come and go and you know at 11 miles your run is almost over. Today I knew how many miles I had before me yet. It was tough. My legs were fine, breathing was fine and pace was fine. But something was plaguing my mind. I still have NO idea what it was.
Around mile 12 though M turns to me and says, "Looks like you are going to PR the half. What was your Straw Plains time?" I looked at my Garmin and indeed, I WAS going to PR the half (13.1) of this training run! My PR at the Straw Plains half just 2 weeks ago was 2:09:31. We hit 13.1 during this run at 2:08 something. Not a PR by a lot but still something to be super proud of. And I was (am). We stopped just a little after that to high five and celebrate with a little refuel/snack/water break. I took this time to stretch out and finish up a little bit of my Honey Stinger waffle. I also drank Strawberry Nuun on this run. So, at this point I was getting close to being finished with what bit of Nuun I had in my Amphipod bottles.
I recall around mile 14 beginning to feel sick to my stomach. Not my usual stomach issues but like I was going to vomit. I have no idea if this was because I had drank so much water and Nuun or the fact that I had eaten the whole Honey Stinger waffle during this run, which is something I hadn't done before. Usually by the end of a longer run I find that I have only had half the waffle but since we were running a lot longer today and I was extra hungry I had managed to eat the whole thing by 14 miles. There was a water fountain around mile 15 so we decided to stop then and fill up our bottles. I stretched some more and got more water. We were back on our way. The girls asked if I thought about whether I was going to go in for 20 or stop at only 18. I had no idea really.
I knew I wanted to finish the 20 miles but my plan called for 18. Tough call really. I knew at that moment how I was feeling but we decided I didn't have to make the choice at that point what I needed to do. I wanted to get to 18 first before deciding. Around mile 16 things got a little quiet and once I hit 16.75 I was excited to hit another distance PR. We continued running but around mile 17 I needed a walk break so I wussed out and walked a hill. The girls were great the whole run (they've both ran marathons before..way faster than I ever plan to run one) about asking how I was feeling and if I was ok. I am very appreciative for that! A turned her music on her phone around 16-17 miles which was a huge help. Both girls carried their music to help push through those last couple of miles that become challenging. I didn't think to bring music with me so I was happy A turned hers on for us!
I won't lie and say I didn't struggle the next few miles to the finish. The girls asked again what I was thinking about doing. I knew at just over 17 miles I wanted to make it to at least 18 and consider that good enough for the day. I honestly thought I was going to be sick and just didn't want to end my run that way. I made it to 18 and really really really wanted to stop and walk back in. I considered it, even stopped my Garmin and started to walk but the girls were pulling away. At that point I said, no.. go, run it in. They rooted for me too and that felt great.
I managed to make it to the car at 18.44 but no way could I end another training run on a weird number so I decided to run circles around my little car until I hit 18.5 miles. The splits from 14-18.5 look like this...
Mile 14 10:38
Mile 15 10:02
Mile 16 10:25
Mile 17 10:30
Mile 18 10:17
Mile 18.50 10:56
18.5 miles (3:05:22) overall pace 10:02 min mile
Overall, I am pleased. I have gone back and forth all day beating myself up for feeling defeated. I've gone from being happy that my legs carried me another 18.5 miles to being frustrated with myself for not being the TOUGH CHIK I am and hanging in there another 1.5 miles. But at the end of the day I am satisfied, happy, and proud that I ran beyond the miles (again) that were scheduled on my training plan. I could have easily given up when I was struggling mentally at mile 11. I had my phone. I could have called and begged my husband to pick me up on the greenway. I could have done the same at mile 14 when my stomach was turning flips. But I didn't. And honestly if I know M and A (and even my husband) not a single one of them would have let that happen. And believe it or not I would not have let that happen.
I'm tough. I'm determined. And no matter what it takes I will NOT quit. Tough runs happen and through those tough runs TOUGH RUNNERS are made! I (and M and A are) am one...