The following questions were submitted by Laura at Mommy, Run Fast. I recently started reading her blog and have already been inspired. You should definitely check it out! Thanks, Laura, for submitting these questions.
1) How have you surprised yourself on this running/weight loss journey?
I think I have surprised myself most by my dedication to this whole thing. I've lost weight and ran before, but eventually let life get in the way and gained weight back or quit running. I am going on 3 years of continued success. Since I started in 2009 there has been no stopping, no turning back. Every time I see a picture (current) of myself I am in awe of how far I have come. When I run and see my time I am just surprised at how I have gained speed and endurance like I have. I never imgained myself getting where I am. I like it and my goal is to keep going.
2) Do you prefer solo runs, or running with a partner?
I love running with a group or partner because I like the added push. My running buddies help me get through tough runs with the conversation or pushing me to go at speeds or distances I might not have gone alone. However, I do love solo runs because it's a great time to just be out there and clear my head or have some me time.
3) What healthy lessons are you hoping to model for your kids?
I really want my kids to see that healthy eating and having an active lifestyle are not only good for them but a real key to being happy. I feel like the healthier I am the happier I am and I want to pass that on to them. I want them to know that you don't have to be the winner of any race or set any kind of world records to be great. You just have to believe in yourself and you can achieve anything.