You all know (or maybe I think you know) that I struggle with talking about myself and it is super hard for me to say, "Oh I just love.... about me." But I'm going to try because one of the things I said I would do before 2011 came to a close was to be more positive about myself. This is going to be a challenge for me because lately I am really struggling to find the positive in myself on this journey.
While many may see me as upbeat and positive it must be said that I am human too and that brings negativity and struggle on as many days for me as it does many others. But the year has changed and I am looking to make changes in myself as well (still!).
Here goes...
1. my eyes - This one is kind of silly to me since I mostly love my eyes because it is usually the first thing most people notice about me. So, that must mean it's a great feature of mine, right!?
2. my hair - Another silly one. I complain about it being curly and I complain about how long it takes to straighten it BUT the plus side is having hair. And I just had my hair done recently...covered the grays and added pretty color.
3. collar bones - Before, when I was fat, I never even thought about my collar bones. But now I love love my collar bones. I can see them. And of course I am loving my left collarbone even more because of my newest ink addition.
4. being silly - I love that I have a silly side. Having fun is well.. FUN! I am often too serious but like to let loose and have a good time even if it means I may be the butt end of a joke. OR even if means massive amounts of late night coffee and 3am car rides with my husband and his posting silly pics like this on FB for the world to see.
5.being a mom - Sometimes I'm not good at it. Sometimes I lose my patience with the two little ones that rely on me most. Sometimes I don't use the term mom to identify myself. But MOM is the one title I love having the most and its because of these two that I can say that. They make me want to be a better person. They're 2 of the most important reasons I fight this fight. And they make me look better for sure!
6. determination - I'm driven. I have a deep desire to be successful and a huge fear of failure. My determination to succeed at running, weight loss, LIFE... keeps me going daily (even on days I struggle). I was the girl who started out runnign a 5k in 49 minutes. I can now run almost twice the distance in that same amount of time. I was once the fat girl intimidated by going in the gym and now it pains me to stay out of the gym for even one day. Determination can get me (or you!) through anything.
7. running - I love that I am a runner. The journey to running didn't start out as an easy one. See #6.. yep, my first 5k was done in 49 minutes just 3 years ago. In 2011 I ran 3 half marathons! I never considered myself a runner prior to beginning training for the first half marthon. Now it's hard to imagine myself anything but a runner. I love that my legs, body, and mind can take me for miles and miles and that I can finish a run smiling and proud.
8. booty- Yes, I love my butt. I've worked hard to get the butt I have now. My butt still has a long way to go until it's "perfection," however it is not the 237 lb booty it was 3 years ago. This booty doesn't have to shop in fatty stores but can walk in most any store (it's fave is Buckle) and find jeans that fit to perfection. And yes, I have booty pics...
9. sweat - I love that I am not afraid to get sweaty. SO many girls are anti sweat. This girl is not. In fact, if I am not a sweaty mess when I leave the gym then I didn't work hard enough. Besides, sweat is fat crying. I have (had?) a lot of fat that needed to cry.
10. passion - I love that I am passionate about what I do. I love that I took what was once hard and something I had to do and turned it into something that is as hard as I WANT it to be and love doing it. I love telling others about what I do. I love that being passionate about running and being healthier has become my whole life (in addition to my family) and that I can share it with so many others. I may not be the most knowledgable person when it comes to running or weight loss or anything health related but hbing been there, done that counts (in my mind).
I encourage you to sit down and think about what it is you love about yourself whether it be 2 things or 10 things. And please, feel free to share them with me.