YES! I am a Tough Chik. I am on Team Tough Chik!!! These women are amazing. They are fun, fearless, and tough. They run, they swim, they bike...they tri! They are moms, not moms, students, work full time, stay at home...they do it ALL while still finding time to rock out with fitness. And I am so proud to be a part of their team. You can go HERE to read more and meet many of the other Tough Chiks.
2. Did I mention that I am training this year to run a full marathon?? If not, now ya know. 26.2 baby. THAT is my goal for 2012. The race I plan to run is Atlanta Marathon and will be October 28, 2012 in Atlanta, GA. I have many many weeks until my race but since I am also training for a couple of half marathons between now and then I decided to start (loosely) following a training plan. So far, so good. I have had a hiccup this week due to being sick but even with that I am only one 3 mile run behind. I'm really excited about this new goal in my little journey. I probably won't post each workout but will do weekly updates about my training.
3. this is totally unrelated to health or running but I took this picture earlier this week of our puppy. She's not quite a small puppy anymore. Our big dog (13 yr old boxer) has been a little sick so she's been getting a lot of attention. The pup (8 months old) is a bit jealous. She's great at pouting too.