I asked earlier this week for you, my awesome readers, to ask me your questions, anything you want to know about me, my journey, running, etc. The first set of questions was asked by none other than my lifelong best friend, B. She and I have known each other since 7th grade. I am thrilled that she asked the questions she did. I talk to her almost daily and while she knows me pretty much inside and out I was glad that there was still some things she wanted to ask. B is the reason I even started running in the first place because she signed me up for my first 5k way back in 2008(or was it 2009?). I was slow (49 min finish!) and B was with me the whole time, thank you friend!
B asks...
1. What is the no. 1 piece of advice/motivator that you would give someone getting back into running/working out...let's say..someone like me?
Very good question. I would say to just do it (I know, I know). And then just do it some more. Through the pain...just do it. Through the "I don't feel like it today," bug...just do it. Through the gain on the scale...just do it. Through the laundry on the floor, toilets needing scrubbed, dishes in the sink...just do it. Take the time for yourself to better yourself, even if it is only 20 minutes a day. I've read and heard so many times that you won't ever regret a workout or run you do even if it sucks but you will regret the workout/run you did not do. It's true. Trust Nike (and me) when we say, "JUST DO IT!" You deserve it, every single time.
2. What is one thing you would like to do now that you're in great shape that you haven't done yet, i.e. rock climbing, kayaking, etc.
I've tried to really give this question a lot of thought and one thing I have never done is come up with a bucket list of things to do. I should do that. I can't remember ever saying I wish I could do that but I'm too fat and out of shape except when it comes to running. I always wanted to run. I can run now that I am in (great) shape and while that isn't super exciting (or maybe it is and I'm just being hard on myself) I completed a half marathon (or 3) while in decent shape and definitely hope to finish a few more, but the full has been on my mind. So, I definitely want to work on getting in better shape and one day completing a full. I can't really say I have thought about rock climbing ask something I wanted to do because I did one of those indoor rock walls once and it scared the poop nuggets out of me before I even got all the way to the top. Go ahead laugh, but this girl has a serious fear of heights as I get older! haha I think, and you will think I am nuts, that I would like to zipline though. I know it's nuts because of the height thing and being scared. Yes, I realize those wires are suspended high into the air but I think I would like the thrill of the ride. So, maybe one day. And totally sorry, B, that I didn't say kayak...but maybe I will get the bug and you can teach me to do that. :)
3. How has your healthiness journey changed your relationship with friends and family?
This was hard for me to answer and I had to seek a little help from those closest to me. I am more confident in those relationships. I can be seen now as a role model to others rather than the lump on the log fat girl who can't be involved in fun things for fear of being made fun of, sweating and jiggle booty. ;) Losing weight and becoming fit has allowed me to do more active things with my family/kids that were harder before. I also want to say that I appreciate my husband and kids as well as other helpful family members for sacrificing their time so that I could go to the gym or meet my buddies for a long run on the weekend. The guilt I have felt during training is hard but I hope that one day all this hard work will totally pay off and that my family/friends will see how worth it their time devoted to me was.
Thank you for the great questions. Stay tuned for more! And if you still have some to ask feel free to shoot them my way.
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