It meant running solo. I needed to get in at least 7.75 miles to hit 1130 logged for 2011. BUT my goal for the day was 8 miles. My last few long runs had been 6 or less and that just has not been cutting it for me. I needed the challenge of something over 6 miles. My husband and I decided I would go run first and he would sit with the kids and then when I got back it was his turn to run.
I got dressed and decided where I would run but I was pretty bummed he and I wouldn't be running together. I always seem to struggle a bit at first when I have to tackle a long run solo. I was going to do it anyway. The weather was perfect.. around 50 degrees and sunny, breezy at all the right moments. I went to a local greenway and it was super crowded.
8 miles seem to go by pretty quickly. I made one pitstop at mile 3 since I was near the bathroom. I didn't run with water or any kind of gels. I've found I haven't had a real need since summer but am sure I will add back those things once I add double digits back to my regular running schedule. The run was pretty uneventful. Below are my splits from yesterday.
Mile 1 9:26
Mile 2 9:17
Mile 3 9:39
Mile 4 9:26
Mile 5 9:27
Mile 6 9:58
Mile 7 9:32
Mile 8 9:38
Total time: 1:16:24 average pace: 9:32
I was pretty happy with my run overall. My legs were screaming when I was done though. It was mostly from the BootCamp class I took on Friday and I was surprised that I was able to run through the stiffness in my calves. I had planned on Sunday(today) being a rest day but.....
I was up until 3am NYE and ended up sleeping in. A certain couple of someones in my house tried to wake me but apparently I am like the dead when I sleep. I rolled out of bed around 11am this morning. I made coffee, a couple slices of peanutbutter toast and fed the dogs. When I sat down to enjoy my coffee I logged into Facebook to a wall post from my running buddy asking if I was up for an easy 4 miles today around noon. I pondered it for about 3 seconds and of course said sure because what else did I have to do besides sit in my pjs all day and be lazy! I got dressed and my friend picked me up at noon.
It was pouring rain just before she arrived so I grabbed my running rain jacket and old running shoes and put a hat on my head. I was looking forward to a rainy run because it was something I'd avoided for so long. As part of Project 365 (posting a photo a day for a year!) I snapped this picture before I left.
[caption id="attachment_907" align="aligncenter" width="225" caption="Project 365 day 1 "]
When T and I got out of her car the rain had stopped and it was slightly windy. I commented that I was sure I wouldn't need my jacket, she said the same. However, we kept them on just in case. It was windy and as luck would have it the wind was hitting us right in the face...hello resistence training! At about a mile in T took off her jacket and I made note that I would probably have to do the same soon but just unzipped mine because I am not coordinated enough to run and tie a jacket around my waist at the same time. Plus I am the weird type that i just have to hit one mile before stopping. haha
So, at one mile I was hot and bothered by my jacket and paused for only a moment to shed it. We kept going from there until we hit 2 miles. Both of us were hoping that the wind that had been hitting us hard in the face on the way out would hit our backs on the last 2 miles. No.such.luck!!! We were super hot and the run became tough. We took a short 15 second walk break at mile 3 and were on our way to reach 5k at just under 30 minutes. The run might have been tough but we were kicking butt. I was super excited at just around 3.5 miles because I saw my new, shiny car coming towards us and honk honk. It was Mr. E and the kiddos. That put a bit of a pep in my step. Terri and finished that 4 miler strong.
And here are the splits from today's run.
Mile 1 9:43
Mile 2 9:39
Mile 3 9:24
Mile 4 9:21
Total:38:10 Average Pace: 9:32
I told T in the car on the way home that I had ended 2011 with 8 miles and began 2012 with 4 miles for a total of 12. I could live with that as a huge accomplishment for one year's end and another's beginning. When I got home my husband asked how it went and I told him tough but that I was happy to have burned some calories on a day when I had planned to do nothing but be lazy. He mentioned that we both looked like it was tough on us when he passed us. haha And then I snapped an after run pic...
[caption id="attachment_908" align="aligncenter" width="225" caption="Post faced and barely cracking a grin."]
How did YOU spend your last day for 2011? How did you start 2012?