Monday, January 30, 2012

Motivational Monday

I hope you had a great weekend of running!

I saved my long run for Sunday. I ended up with 10 miles with my friend, Terri. She ran a 10 mile race (that I volunteered at) the day before and still met me for another 10 miler on Sunday. She said she was good to go slow and I agreed that slow was good. We finished 10 miles in 1:42:01 which ended up being a bit faster than either of us planned. We both felt good and strong though! It's crazy when I look back at just last year and what my first 10 miler was like.

I ran my first 10 miler on February 11, 2011 in 1:54:13.
I ran 10 miles almost a year later on January 29, 2012 in 1:42:01.
Proof that consistency and determination pays off. Keep working hard towards your goals and you too will be amazed at just how much you can change in a year (or even sooner!).

My husband took this picture of Terri and I before she ran her race on Saturday.

When I met Terri on Sunday to run she told me she wished she could take that picture, cut me out of it and put it next to the me from a year ago. We talked a while on our run about what it was like for me a year ago and how I struggle to see the changes she sees in me now. What she said (and what others say and see in me) made me feel great and definitely helps keep me motivated to keep going.

Friday, January 27, 2012

11 Randoms (and then some)

This lovely random post is floating around and spreading like wild fire in the blogoshpere. I was lucky enough to be tagged and am excited to participate. The lovely Larissa, one of my awesome Team Tough Chik pals, and a fave blogger pal, The Lindztagged me and as promised I am posting today. This is my opportunity to share a bit more about me for your reading pleasure.

So, here are the rules of this little taggy tag:
1. Post these rules.
2. You must post 11 random things about yourself.
3. Answer the questions set for you in their post.
4. Create 11 new questions for the people you tag to answer.
5. Go to their blog and tell them you’ve tagged them.
6. No stuff in the tagging section about you are tagged if you are reading this. You legitimately have to tag 11 people.

I may or may not kinda suck at following rules (sometimes) but I promise to do my absolute best.

11 Random Things about Moi:
1. I wear cowgirl boots almost every single day to work. My awesome husband bought them for me a few months ago. They sat in the box for a long time before I got brave enough to wear them. I'm not a "country" girl ya know. ;) haha So, I felt weird not knowing what to wear them with. I polled my FB friends and they said, "Anything!" So guess what? I now wear them daily with anything/everything.
2. I still don't know what I want to be when I grow up. What, you mean 32 is not grown up? Crap.
3. My husband says I am highly competitive. He also says I won't back down from a fight. I think I just learned something random about me (I kid, honey!!). Both of these are true really.
4. I am a very unorganized and (sometimes) messy person. My desk at work is almost always neat and tidy but my nightstand, one spot on the kitchen counter and my ottoman where I sit at home are mostly always a complete mess.
5. My birthday is Feb. 28th. A lot of times when I tell people this they say, "Oh you were almost a Leap Year baby!!" Um, no. Leap year happens every 4 years. I was born in '79 which was NOT a Leap Year. I'd have to have been born 3 years earlier or 1 year later.
6. I love cupcakes. You don't need much detail about this one. I just really LOVE them.
7. Household chores are not my favorite activity but really are they anyone's?? The two I cannot stand are laundry and dishes. I will, however, do a full days worth of laundry over one sinkful of dishes any day of the week.
8. I have 3 tattoos. I also want at least 3 more.
9. I love both my kids dearly and equally. But I love love love to snuggle with my son. He's more snuggly than my daughter.
10. I love music, all kinds (sorta). And I love to sing (and dance). Rob Thomas is my fave and has been since the first time I heard Matchbox20.
11. My 10 year wedding anniversary is coming up in March (the 23). We are celebrating by starting the day with a double digit (10 mile!!) run together and then probably breakfast while the kids are in school. Can I get an awwwww??

And now for the questions Larissa asked:
1. How long have you been running and what made you start?
I started running about 3 years ago. I started because my bff and I had talked about Couch to 5k and I told her I was going to do it. So, I think to motivate me she registered me for my first 5k race.
2. What is the farthest place that you have traveled to?
Montana when I was in 8th grade. It was a family summer trip.
3. Favorite race that you have run?
My favorite is probably my first half marathon. Covenant Health Knoxville Half Marathon because of the experience.
4. Favorite thing to do on a rainy day?
Ideally I would love to be home curled up in my big, comfy chair with a good book (or my kindle!) and an endless cup of coffee.
5. If you could meet anyone (dead or alive) who would it be and why?
Jillian. Seriously, so she can show me how to really kick ass in the gym.
6. Do you have any pets? What are they?
We have two boxers. Sassy is almost 13 years old and Sadie is 8 months old.
7. Craziest thing you have ever done?
I wish I had some exciting story about how crazy my life has been. I thought about saying the craziest thing I ever did was have kids, but since some of you are new here I better hold that one in. hahaha I did this one tandem bungy jump thing once, that was semi crazy.
8. Biggest fear and why?
Failure. I don't like letting people down. I feel like if I fail at anything (mostly weight loss/running) and all these people watch me they will disappointed. The last thing I want is a bunch of onlookers disappointed in me.
9. If you won the lotto would you still keep your current job? If not what would you do?
Probably not. I would go back to school.
10. What was your #1 New Years Resolution? Are you still on track?
I don't make NYRs. I made some goals for the year and so far they are going well.
11. One bad habit you want to break?

The Lindz asks...
1. What is your favorite dish to make?
I'm slightly but not totally ashamed to admit that I don't really cook. But I LOVE anything my husband makes. :)

2. Would you rather sing in a karaoke contest or be in a dance competition?
Sing karaoke. My voice is much better than my lame dance moves.

3. If you could travel to anywhere in the world, where would it be?

4. Pepsi or Coke?
Diet Coke.

5.What is your favorite movie?
Grease and Disney's The Little Mermaid are tied for first. And I have thing for Matthew McConnaughey and Kate Hudson in movies together.... haha

6.High heels or flats?
I'm a shorty so I'm gonna go with heels because otherwise my pants drag the ground.

7.Where were you born?

8.Do you watch Reality TV? (If yes, which shows are your guilty pleasure?)
Yes. I watch some. American Idol, Dancing with the Stars, Biggest Loser and my newest fave NY Ink (hey, Ami???)

9.Have you ever met anyone famous? (Name them if yes).
I met Allison Krauss and she even signed my fiddle.

10.What’s one thing you would like accomplish in 2012?
26.2 baby!!!!

11.Dark Chocolate, Milk Chocolate or White chocolate?
milk chocolate

Ok, this took me And because of that and some awesome encouragement from one of my fellow Tough Chiks, I'm breaking the rules and not tagging anyone. BUT if you want to participate, let me know and I will write up a whole new set of questions for YOU in a new post. I have a feeling I have been tagged for this at least one more time. Eeek. This was fun. I enjoyed the questions and answering them as much as I have enjoyed reading the blogs of those that have participated already.

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Three Things Thursday

1. I've been waiting for over a week to post this awesome fun news. Perhaps you have heard of Tough Chik?? If not, click the link, check it out. I am super excited to now be...

YES! I am a Tough Chik. I am on Team Tough Chik!!! These women are amazing. They are fun, fearless, and tough. They run, they swim, they bike...they tri! They are moms, not moms, students, work full time, stay at home...they do it ALL while still finding time to rock out with fitness. And I am so proud to be a part of their team. You can go HERE to read more and meet many of the other Tough Chiks.

2. Did I mention that I am training this year to run a full marathon?? If not, now ya know. 26.2 baby. THAT is my goal for 2012. The race I plan to run is Atlanta Marathon and will be October 28, 2012 in Atlanta, GA. I have many many weeks until my race but since I am also training for a couple of half marathons between now and then I decided to start (loosely) following a training plan. So far, so good. I have had a hiccup this week due to being sick but even with that I am only one 3 mile run behind. I'm really excited about this new goal in my little journey. I probably won't post each workout but will do weekly updates about my training.

3. this is totally unrelated to health or running but I took this picture earlier this week of our puppy. She's not quite a small puppy anymore. Our big dog (13 yr old boxer) has been a little sick so she's been getting a lot of attention. The pup (8 months old) is a bit jealous. She's great at pouting too.

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

True You Tuesday

If you have not seen or hear of Operation Beautiful you should check it out now. Today a group of friends posted this on Facebook (with a picture of themselves as they makeup!). SO, I joined them...

"True You" Tuesday

"I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well." Ps. 139:14

I Am Beautiful

Here I am today, as I was created..beautiful! I encourage each and everyone of my beautiful bloggy friends (and that's you too, guys..not just girls) to participate in Operation Beautiful and True You Tuesday!

I would also like to note (not that it matters or makes me less beautiful) that I have been sick since Saturday and finally went to the doctor today for a shot. I hope to feel better tomorrow and be back to report what else has been going on as far as exercise, food, weight loss and all that other awesome stuff. And trust me, there IS some awesome stuff!

Monday, January 23, 2012

Monday Motivation

I had planned on posting this earlier today (last night even) but I have been hit by some nasty sinus thing and my motivation has left me. Actually, I won't say I lack motivation. I feel motivated but I am being smart and listening to my body.. it's asking for rest as I let this crud run it's course. So, here are a few things that I like to look at/read to keep me motivated.

Ok, props to Pinterest for the awesome quotes/pics. Now YOU, awesome person reading this.. have a great day and kick some butt! I hope to be back up and at it tomorrow! I have lots of runs and workouts to repor and some exciting news!

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Just Stand Up

The heart is stronger
Than you think
It's like it can go
Through anything
And even when you think
It can't it finds a way
To still push on

You want to run away
Ain't got the patience
For the pain
And if you
Don't believe it
Look into
Your heart
The beat goes on

I'm tellin' you that

Things get better
Through whatever

If you fall

Dust it off
Don't let up

Don't you know
You can go
Be your own miracle

You need to know

If the mind
Keeps thinking
You've had enough
But the heart
Keeps telling you
Don't give up
Who are we to be
Wondering what is what
Don't give up
Through it all
Just stand up

It's like
We all have better days
Problems getting all up
In your face

Just because
You go through it

Don't mean it got
To take control, no

You ain't gotta find
No hiding place

Because the heart
Can beat the hate

Don't wanna
Let your mind
Keep playin' you

Sayin' you
Can't go on

I'm tellin' you that

Things get better
Through whatever

If you fall

Dust if off
Don't let up

Don't you know you

Can go

Be your own


You need to know

If the mind
Keeps thinking
You've had enough
But the heart
Keeps telling you
Don't give up (don't you give up)
Who are we to be
Wondering what is what
Don't give up (don't give up just stand up)
Through it all
Just stand up
Through it all
Just stand up

You don't gotta be
A prisoner
In your mind

If you fall
Dust it off

You can live your life


Let your heart
Be your guide

Yeah, yeah, yeah

And you will know
That you're good
If you trust in the good

Will be alright, yeah
Light up the dark
If you follow your heart

And it will get better

Through whatever

If the mind
Keeps thinking
You've had enough (If the mind is thinking you've had enough)
But the heart
Keeps telling you
Don't give up (don't you give up no no)
Who are we to be
Wondering what is what
Don't give up
Through it all
Just stand up

If the mind
Keeps thinking
You've had enough
But the heart
Keeps telling you
Don't give up
Who are we to be
Wondering what is what
Don't give up (Don't give up, don't give up)
Through it all
Just stand up

You got it in you
Find it within
You got in now
Find it within now
You got in you
You'll find it within
You got in now
Find it within now
You got in you
You'll find it within
You got in you now
Find it within now
You'll find it within you
Find it within

Through it all
Just stand up

If you have not listened to this song, you should. I downloaded it to my iTunes account for my 8 yr old daughter. It happened to also show up on my iPod and came on during my run this morning. I hit repeat about 3 more times. I think this song was part of some kind of cancer deal but I haven't done a lot of research to back that up. Anyway, this song (I feel) can definitely speak to many people in all different situations and areas of their lives. The message is strong, the message is true. In good days, bad days, hard days, easy days... when your minds says your can't, when your body says you can't...listen to the voice in your heart and "Just Stand Up."

Sunday, January 15, 2012

Maintain Don't Gain - my results

My gym held a little "Maintain Don't Gain" challenge over the holidays. It ran from November 1st through January 8th. Nothing overly exciting to report. Just weekly weigh ins and an attendance goal. I started the challenge at 169 lbs. My goal was to visit the center (gym) each week for 4 days. I met my attendance goal. I even did well with the weight. I didn't maintain nor did I gain.


My end weight was 157 lbs. That is a total of 12 lbs lost between November and January. Not bad considering most people gain during the holidays. Not this girl. No way, no how was I going to gain. I might have been ok with maintaining but my goal was to lose for the 2nd year in a row. I succeeded.

The gym has random drawings and so far no information has been posted as to who won what prizes. Since it is not a weight loss challenge the person with the highest weight doesn't automatically win. Bummer. Not that I am the one with the highest weight loss but it would have been cool to been awarded a prize just for losing! haha You get your name in the pot so many times for weight lost or maintained as well as for meeting your attendance. I'd like ot think they just haven't posted that info or held the drawing but I won't hold out any hope.

Last year I did win and won an hour of personal training. While I did get a couple of great workouts out of the deal I didn't get the greatest hour of training like I had hoped. BUT the whole challenge taught me (both years) that it IS absolutely possible to stay on plan and not gain a ton of weight (OR ANY) through the holiday season. Eat healthy, exercise and you will succeed. I am still (and hope to be for a long time) proof of that!!

Sunday, January 8, 2012

Your questions answered. Part 2

The following questions were submitted by Laura at Mommy, Run Fast. I recently started reading her blog and have already been inspired. You should definitely check it out! Thanks, Laura, for submitting these questions.

1) How have you surprised yourself on this running/weight loss journey?
I think I have surprised myself most by my dedication to this whole thing. I've lost weight and ran before, but eventually let life get in the way and gained weight back or quit running. I am going on 3 years of continued success. Since I started in 2009 there has been no stopping, no turning back. Every time I see a picture (current) of myself I am in awe of how far I have come. When I run and see my time I am just surprised at how I have gained speed and endurance like I have. I never imgained myself getting where I am. I like it and my goal is to keep going.

2) Do you prefer solo runs, or running with a partner?
I love running with a group or partner because I like the added push. My running buddies help me get through tough runs with the conversation or pushing me to go at speeds or distances I might not have gone alone. However, I do love solo runs because it's a great time to just be out there and clear my head or have some me time.

3) What healthy lessons are you hoping to model for your kids?
I really want my kids to see that healthy eating and having an active lifestyle are not only good for them but a real key to being happy. I feel like the healthier I am the happier I am and I want to pass that on to them. I want them to know that you don't have to be the winner of any race or set any kind of world records to be great. You just have to believe in yourself and you can achieve anything.

Friday, January 6, 2012

Your questions answered. Part 1

I asked earlier this week for you, my awesome readers, to ask me your questions, anything you want to know about me, my journey, running, etc. The first set of questions was asked by none other than my lifelong best friend, B. She and I have known each other since 7th grade. I am thrilled that she asked the questions she did. I talk to her almost daily and while she knows me pretty much inside and out I was glad that there was still some things she wanted to ask. B is the reason I even started running in the first place because she signed me up for my first 5k way back in 2008(or was it 2009?). I was slow (49 min finish!) and B was with me the whole time, thank you friend!

B asks...

1. What is the no. 1 piece of advice/motivator that you would give someone getting back into running/working out...let's say..someone like me?
Very good question. I would say to just do it (I know, I know). And then just do it some more. Through the pain...just do it. Through the "I don't feel like it today," bug...just do it. Through the gain on the scale...just do it. Through the laundry on the floor, toilets needing scrubbed, dishes in the sink...just do it. Take the time for yourself to better yourself, even if it is only 20 minutes a day. I've read and heard so many times that you won't ever regret a workout or run you do even if it sucks but you will regret the workout/run you did not do. It's true. Trust Nike (and me) when we say, "JUST DO IT!" You deserve it, every single time.

2. What is one thing you would like to do now that you're in great shape that you haven't done yet, i.e. rock climbing, kayaking, etc.
I've tried to really give this question a lot of thought and one thing I have never done is come up with a bucket list of things to do. I should do that. I can't remember ever saying I wish I could do that but I'm too fat and out of shape except when it comes to running. I always wanted to run. I can run now that I am in (great) shape and while that isn't super exciting (or maybe it is and I'm just being hard on myself) I completed a half marathon (or 3) while in decent shape and definitely hope to finish a few more, but the full has been on my mind. So, I definitely want to work on getting in better shape and one day completing a full. I can't really say I have thought about rock climbing ask something I wanted to do because I did one of those indoor rock walls once and it scared the poop nuggets out of me before I even got all the way to the top. Go ahead laugh, but this girl has a serious fear of heights as I get older! haha I think, and you will think I am nuts, that I would like to zipline though. I know it's nuts because of the height thing and being scared. Yes, I realize those wires are suspended high into the air but I think I would like the thrill of the ride. So, maybe one day. And totally sorry, B, that I didn't say kayak...but maybe I will get the bug and you can teach me to do that. :)

3. How has your healthiness journey changed your relationship with friends and family?
This was hard for me to answer and I had to seek a little help from those closest to me. I am more confident in those relationships. I can be seen now as a role model to others rather than the lump on the log fat girl who can't be involved in fun things for fear of being made fun of, sweating and jiggle booty. ;) Losing weight and becoming fit has allowed me to do more active things with my family/kids that were harder before. I also want to say that I appreciate my husband and kids as well as other helpful family members for sacrificing their time so that I could go to the gym or meet my buddies for a long run on the weekend. The guilt I have felt during training is hard but I hope that one day all this hard work will totally pay off and that my family/friends will see how worth it their time devoted to me was.

Thank you for the great questions. Stay tuned for more! And if you still have some to ask feel free to shoot them my way.

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Q & A

Ok, so you may know a lot about me already if you've been reading the blog for a while but even if you don't maybe there is something you want to ask me. I'm going to have a question/answers thing going on. You ask, I answer. It can be anything from something about me, my journey, running, weight loss... you name it. I think I will take questions until Friday and have the answers posted by Saturday (Sunday if I get super busy... lol).

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Ten Things I Love

As part of my poll for blogging inspiration it was suggested I do a 10 things I love about me post. So, here I am trying to come up with ten things I love about myself.
You all know (or maybe I think you know) that I struggle with talking about myself and it is super hard for me to say, "Oh I just love.... about me." But I'm going to try because one of the things I said I would do before 2011 came to a close was to be more positive about myself. This is going to be a challenge for me because lately I am really struggling to find the positive in myself on this journey.
While many may see me as upbeat and positive it must be said that I am human too and that brings negativity and struggle on as many days for me as it does many others. But the year has changed and I am looking to make changes in myself as well (still!).

Here goes...

1. my eyes - This one is kind of silly to me since I mostly love my eyes because it is usually the first thing most people notice about me. So, that must mean it's a great feature of mine, right!?

2. my hair - Another silly one. I complain about it being curly and I complain about how long it takes to straighten it BUT the plus side is having hair. And I just had my hair done recently...covered the grays and added pretty color.

3. collar bones - Before, when I was fat, I never even thought about my collar bones. But now I love love my collar bones. I can see them. And of course I am loving my left collarbone even more because of my newest ink addition.

4. being silly - I love that I have a silly side. Having fun is well.. FUN! I am often too serious but like to let loose and have a good time even if it means I may be the butt end of a joke. OR even if means massive amounts of late night coffee and 3am car rides with my husband and his posting silly pics like this on FB for the world to see.

5.being a mom - Sometimes I'm not good at it. Sometimes I lose my patience with the two little ones that rely on me most. Sometimes I don't use the term mom to identify myself. But MOM is the one title I love having the most and its because of these two that I can say that. They make me want to be a better person. They're 2 of the most important reasons I fight this fight. And they make me look better for sure!

6. determination - I'm driven. I have a deep desire to be successful and a huge fear of failure. My determination to succeed at running, weight loss, LIFE... keeps me going daily (even on days I struggle). I was the girl who started out runnign a 5k in 49 minutes. I can now run almost twice the distance in that same amount of time. I was once the fat girl intimidated by going in the gym and now it pains me to stay out of the gym for even one day. Determination can get me (or you!) through anything.

7. running - I love that I am a runner. The journey to running didn't start out as an easy one. See #6.. yep, my first 5k was done in 49 minutes just 3 years ago. In 2011 I ran 3 half marathons! I never considered myself a runner prior to beginning training for the first half marthon. Now it's hard to imagine myself anything but a runner. I love that my legs, body, and mind can take me for miles and miles and that I can finish a run smiling and proud.

8. booty- Yes, I love my butt. I've worked hard to get the butt I have now. My butt still has a long way to go until it's "perfection," however it is not the 237 lb booty it was 3 years ago. This booty doesn't have to shop in fatty stores but can walk in most any store (it's fave is Buckle) and find jeans that fit to perfection. And yes, I have booty pics...

9. sweat - I love that I am not afraid to get sweaty. SO many girls are anti sweat. This girl is not. In fact, if I am not a sweaty mess when I leave the gym then I didn't work hard enough. Besides, sweat is fat crying. I have (had?) a lot of fat that needed to cry.

10. passion - I love that I am passionate about what I do. I love that I took what was once hard and something I had to do and turned it into something that is as hard as I WANT it to be and love doing it. I love telling others about what I do. I love that being passionate about running and being healthier has become my whole life (in addition to my family) and that I can share it with so many others. I may not be the most knowledgable person when it comes to running or weight loss or anything health related but hbing been there, done that counts (in my mind).

I encourage you to sit down and think about what it is you love about yourself whether it be 2 things or 10 things. And please, feel free to share them with me.

Sunday, January 1, 2012

Goodbye '11, Hello '12

For the last day of 2011 I had planned a long run with my husband. Turns out that after a long night Friday we both slept late. With the holiday our gym had abreviated hours so when I called to find out how childcare was open I was a little bummed when I found out there was only 1 hour left. We couldn't get everyone dressed and out the door in time to make it to the gym plus get in a long run before childcare hours were over. So, what did that mean?

It meant running solo. I needed to get in at least 7.75 miles to hit 1130 logged for 2011. BUT my goal for the day was 8 miles. My last few long runs had been 6 or less and that just has not been cutting it for me. I needed the challenge of something over 6 miles. My husband and I decided I would go run first and he would sit with the kids and then when I got back it was his turn to run.

I got dressed and decided where I would run but I was pretty bummed he and I wouldn't be running together. I always seem to struggle a bit at first when I have to tackle a long run solo. I was going to do it anyway. The weather was perfect.. around 50 degrees and sunny, breezy at all the right moments. I went to a local greenway and it was super crowded.

8 miles seem to go by pretty quickly. I made one pitstop at mile 3 since I was near the bathroom. I didn't run with water or any kind of gels. I've found I haven't had a real need since summer but am sure I will add back those things once I add double digits back to my regular running schedule. The run was pretty uneventful. Below are my splits from yesterday.

Mile 1 9:26
Mile 2 9:17
Mile 3 9:39
Mile 4 9:26
Mile 5 9:27
Mile 6 9:58
Mile 7 9:32
Mile 8 9:38
Total time: 1:16:24 average pace: 9:32

I was pretty happy with my run overall. My legs were screaming when I was done though. It was mostly from the BootCamp class I took on Friday and I was surprised that I was able to run through the stiffness in my calves. I had planned on Sunday(today) being a rest day but.....

I was up until 3am NYE and ended up sleeping in. A certain couple of someones in my house tried to wake me but apparently I am like the dead when I sleep. I rolled out of bed around 11am this morning. I made coffee, a couple slices of peanutbutter toast and fed the dogs. When I sat down to enjoy my coffee I logged into Facebook to a wall post from my running buddy asking if I was up for an easy 4 miles today around noon. I pondered it for about 3 seconds and of course said sure because what else did I have to do besides sit in my pjs all day and be lazy! I got dressed and my friend picked me up at noon.

It was pouring rain just before she arrived so I grabbed my running rain jacket and old running shoes and put a hat on my head. I was looking forward to a rainy run because it was something I'd avoided for so long. As part of Project 365 (posting a photo a day for a year!) I snapped this picture before I left.
[caption id="attachment_907" align="aligncenter" width="225" caption="Project 365 day 1 "][/caption]

When T and I got out of her car the rain had stopped and it was slightly windy. I commented that I was sure I wouldn't need my jacket, she said the same. However, we kept them on just in case. It was windy and as luck would have it the wind was hitting us right in the face...hello resistence training! At about a mile in T took off her jacket and I made note that I would probably have to do the same soon but just unzipped mine because I am not coordinated enough to run and tie a jacket around my waist at the same time. Plus I am the weird type that i just have to hit one mile before stopping. haha

So, at one mile I was hot and bothered by my jacket and paused for only a moment to shed it. We kept going from there until we hit 2 miles. Both of us were hoping that the wind that had been hitting us hard in the face on the way out would hit our backs on the last 2 miles. No.such.luck!!! We were super hot and the run became tough. We took a short 15 second walk break at mile 3 and were on our way to reach 5k at just under 30 minutes. The run might have been tough but we were kicking butt. I was super excited at just around 3.5 miles because I saw my new, shiny car coming towards us and honk honk. It was Mr. E and the kiddos. That put a bit of a pep in my step. Terri and finished that 4 miler strong.
And here are the splits from today's run.
Mile 1 9:43
Mile 2 9:39
Mile 3 9:24
Mile 4 9:21
Total:38:10 Average Pace: 9:32

I told T in the car on the way home that I had ended 2011 with 8 miles and began 2012 with 4 miles for a total of 12. I could live with that as a huge accomplishment for one year's end and another's beginning. When I got home my husband asked how it went and I told him tough but that I was happy to have burned some calories on a day when I had planned to do nothing but be lazy. He mentioned that we both looked like it was tough on us when he passed us. haha And then I snapped an after run pic...

[caption id="attachment_908" align="aligncenter" width="225" caption="Post faced and barely cracking a grin."][/caption]

How did YOU spend your last day for 2011? How did you start 2012?