Seems like when I took vacation I took a little blogging break too. What I did NOT take a vacation from was physical activity. While on vacation at the beach my body was movin' movin' and quite a bit too.
As a side note, I wish I was still at the beach getting my tan's faded and if you know me you know how much I love my tanned skin. **Don't worry all you pasty white gals or those that want to lecture me about the effects of sun on my skin....I promise I use spf and what not.** :) Anyway, I loved my entire vacation. This was the best one yet.
As far as activity goes I logged a total of 36 miles. Here is how that all breaks down:
~6/19 - bike ride 12 miles (tandem bike, btw, with me pulling my 50lb 5 yr old son! he wasn't fond of pedaling)
~6/20- ran 3.1 miles, rode 5 miles
~6/21 - rode 2 miles
~6/22 - rode 4.5 miles
~6/23 - ran 4.45 miles (not sure if we rode bikes at all this day since I did not log anything)
~6/24 - rode 5 miles
The best part of our vacation to Hilton Head was renting the tandem bikes. The kids had a great time and it kept the whole family active. It definitely helped me burn a few calories and gave my thighs a good workout, especially since the little guy didn't feel the need to help me pedal much! ha
I admit that we did more eating out this vacation than we normally would have while on vacation. BUT I am ok with that. I was also OK with telling myself I would be fine if I had a slight gain from vacation. I was active and did not make all poor food choices. That being said I only gained 3 lbs while on vacation. Not too bad considering.
Here are a few more vaca pics...