Monday, July 11, 2011

Sunday's Slow Seven

I met running buddies Sunday morning at 7:30 am to run 7 miles on the local greenway. It.was.muggy. And hot. Even at 7:30am. The run started pretty good for me but by 3.5 miles I needed a potty break (thanks to my tummy for choosing to always give me grief around 3.5 miles or so) and after that I was burning up so it was hard to get motivated to move. We had to make a brief stop so my friend could apply moleskin to a blister (bless her heart..I hate blisters!) and I think because it was such an abrupt stop and I was so hot I got really lightheaded and thought I was going to have to go behind the trees to blow chunks or just pass out there in the grass. That would have been a swell sight I am sure!

We were making a decent pace (in my opinion) at the start but I was slowly fading and the run became hard for me. Stuffy air makes it hard on my lungs and I just cannot even begin to talk myself into pushing hard. I hate that much as I despise humidity! But the key is I did keep going even if walk breaks were involved.

I had to take another potty break with less than a mile left to run but (pardon the TMI) all I was able to produce were bubbles. SUAR would be proud that I am telling you about the bodily functions that took place on my run. She enjoys a good fart talk. ;) Anyhoo...

After my 2nd potty escapade we were on our way to the end of our run. I tried my hardest to make it up the mostly uphill trail back but admit to having to really slow it down and even walk. I am not ashamed. I would have been ashamed if I had stayed home and not moved at all but I ran 7 miles. Sure it was slow (1:19) but I ran. That is my farthest run since the half marathon in the spring. Yikes. I am happy to be back to running long.

And because I didn't mention it before, my running buddies ran 12 miles on Saturday and STILL met me for 7 on Sunday. Rock stars! I wanna be just like them.

Post run... Check out my shirt! Hubby picked it out at the Peachtree Road Race Expo.
Thank you One More Mile for your awesome quotation tees. This one says, "Sorry honey not tonight I have a long run in the morning." teehee

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