1. It's hot here in E. TN. So, I have been taking my runs inside the gym in the cool air. I have no shame in this really. I have been doing my long runs outside though so it's not a total wash as far as running goes. So far this week I have logged 12 miles (not much to some of you high mileage runners I know) and have another 8 planned. I decided to start this week as my next half marathon training session. Yep, I'm gonna run another half marathon. Actually I have two that I am scoping out to run this fall. and another one in November that is local for me. My main goal is the ATL race though. So, that is what I am currently training for...now I just need to get myself (and hubby!) registered. :) Anyway, tonight I ran 4 miles and the plan called for "easy." We all know what easy means... conversational pace. I LOVE that I can now run and call it easy. Now, I don't mean that there was no effort put into the run but it was not hard by any means. And that makes me proud and happy to be a runner. Yep, runner.
2. I took a Core Challenge class at the gym this evening. It was such a great class. We did all kinds of core strengthening exercises with an 8 lb medicine ball. We did mountain climbers and jumping jacks (w/med ball!!), planks and pushups (using the med ball...again!). I was sweating within the first couple of minutes of the warm up! I really love this class and wish I could take it more often but sadly it starts at 5pm and I don't get off work until 5pm. Lucky for me today I had made arrangements to leave work early just to attend the class. I can remember a time that I would find a reason to work late so that I could avoid the gym. And with that I say to myself, "You've come a long way, baby!!!"
3. I won a couple of bloggy give aways. I am excited about them both. I won Jillian Michaels book (the title is escaping me right now) and have started to read it, hoping to gain some insight and maybe learn something I don't know that will help me reach my weight loss goals. And I won a Nuun pack from another blog. I am excited about this as well. I am hoping to do a test drive on my long run coming up on Sunday. Yay for awesome bloggy folks and their fab giveaways. :)