Monday, June 20, 2011

Got twins!?

This weekend my hubby and I went on an overnight trip to Nashville. It was an abosolute blast. We met some friends for the first time. I met my friend Jen online on a mom's board about 7-8 years ago and over the last few years we have become pretty close. So, we agreed to finally meet. She and her hubby were in need of a vacation adventure so they chose to come to Nashville. It's not too far from us (3 hours). It was the perfect destination!!

Sadly though with all the walking around (in super cute not made for walking they weren't boots) I developed twins.

Twin blisters, that is. Fun stuff. I didn't even notice my feet being sore while we were doing all that walking around, but perhaps there was a good reason for that. LOL Anyhoooo.

It was late when the family and I reached our beach vacation destination so I was unable to hit up Walgreens for a blister survival kit. The next morning Blister Sister A had seemed to have lost her juice. Nice huh!? She was flat. So, Sunday we found a Walgreens and I doctored up Blister Sister B so that I could go for a run pain free. It worked.

But when I got back in from my run and took off my shoes and socks Blister Sister A had been revived. She will be sporting a lovely blister pad today too. And I took my nail polish off my toes because it was look rough. Imagine my surprise when I noticed some funky stuff going on with a couple of my toenails.

Between my funky toenails and the Blister Sister Twins my feet look rather pathetic....just in time for a week by the pool and on the beach!

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