Friday, February 4, 2011

>Four Things Friday ; )

>1. I have been a bad blogger this week. I have had A LOT of running/workout related things on my mind but have been preoccupied with other things in life as well. This has led me to neglect the blogging world a bit. I have been to the gym, running, and even had my first PT session that I STILL need to talk about. I have had Girl Scout meetings, dealt with a lot of cookie business and made a bazillion phone calls regarding such....and it stress me just a wee bit. I have also attempted to get work done at the office but my database is yet again "broken" and my work cannot be done with said database. I have neglected nearly every household chore this week which might not be a surprise to some (or at least my husband).

2. My weight has not moved in the direction I had hoped this week. I have been starving to death all week long and this may have lead to one or two unhealthy choices through the week. It may also be due to the demon that visits once a month and her wretched appearance has my weight up due to that a copout? Or it could also be the added weight training and my body getting adjusted to that. Either way I am not going to let the scale control how I feel about myself. Weight is just a number and my clothes feel ok. :)

3. I've spent a good portion of my day making a list of songs to add to my iPod. I'm up to about 50 songs that I want to add. Perhaps I should put a request in for lots of iTunes cards for my upcoming birthday! haha What are some of your favorite workout/running songs? My favorite artist lately is Pink. Can't get enough. She makes me wanna dance, run, just get up and move. I can't wait to add her latest (***** Perfect) to my iTunes list. The first time I heard it was on the radio so it was obviously the clean version and I never even knew the real name of the song or it's original lyrics. Then I researched it and while I was shocked it didnt' bother me because after all it is just a song. But the video....powerful!

4.Running. Some days are good. Some days are bad. Sometimes I feel as though I could run forever. Other times I feel like it is such a struggle to even lace up my shoes. I have my doubts right now and this week I have really thought about my ability to run. Don't get me wrong.. I KNOW I can. slow, fast or in the middle... I am capable. Half marathon training is going well so far, but... there is always a but. The doubt comes in this week when after an 8 mile long run last week my long run this week is scheduled to be 10. Intimidating? It wasn't until a few days ago and all I have done this week is question...should I? could I? Why shouldn't I? Because I still have plenty of time to train and get the mileage in before my big race. Because preventing injury is very important even if I am not having any current issues. Because reevaluating and even making changes to my training plan is OK! Could I? Oh heck yes! I know I could. It might be a slow 10 miles and there would definitely be walk breaks but with the right pacing and fuel and of course company I could totally get the miles in. And I will, in time...even if it means waiting a week or two, if that's what my body needs. This week I am just really struggling with the emotional side of running. And before now I didn't even know running could being about so many mixed emotions.