Thursday, February 24, 2011

>Three Things Thursday

>1. Running this week has been bad. I've ran 10 miles this week. 2 Monday before my weight workout. Those 2 miles were great. 2 miles on Tuesday to make up for the 2 that I missed Monday. Those 2 miles were not so great. I had 6 miles on the schedule for Weds. Hubby decided to do 4 with me outside, then I would come in for 2. Outside run yesterday sucked for me. That's all I can say. I tried hard to maintain a 10:30 pace but it was just too hard for some reason. My legs felt as though they just didn't want to go. I was frustrated. We got back to the gym at 3.75 miles. Poo. Short. That meant I had to run 2.25 on the "dreadmill" to make up the 6 on the training schedule. Ugh. But I did it. I finished with an overall decent pace for me but I still wasn't happy. Today I have decided to take a rest day because I think (well hubby does) that I have overtrained a little... last week was a huge running week for me. It was a great one and I followed my training plan to a T but I think it caught up with me this week. So, rest is happening today and probably tomorrow. We have a long run planned for Saturday and hopefully we can do the 11 mile loop we plan to run but if we need to we will cut it to 10 miles.

2. I got my foam roller today. I can't wait to use it later. I'm  hoping it will help work out a few kinks I have been feeling. Luckily it came with a page of exercises (moves..whatever they're called) so I will know exactly what to do to work what aches.

3. Girl Scout cookies have taken over my house. Seriously! 130 something cases to be exact. And someone in this house decided it was a good idea to order $50 worth! Yikes!!! I have only eaten 2 cookies so far. I plan to freeze some of those boxes I bought. Many of the other cases will hopefully be picked up by the other girls in my troop this evening! I can't be taunted by them much longer or I may snap.. haha