>1. First of all, I am so glad it is Friday. Friday is a scheduled rest day for me and normally I don't take it because I feel lazy for taking rest days. However, today is different! I am going to thoroughly enjoy (as much as a working mom of two kiddos can be when her hubby is out of town) the rest day once I get off work. I am not going to the gym at all. I am saving my energy and weary little legs for my long run (10 miles) tomorrow. I'm having a bit of a hamstring issue on my left leg that I hope will be resolved when I wake up.
2. Sometimes chocolate is just needed. Seriously. I have done well with this healthy eating thing for so long and felt the need for a little chocolate fix today. I was at the grocery store on my lunch picking up a few things we would need for dinner tonight when I managed to grab a little bag of these....
Thank you, Pillsbury, for the photo and the tasty treat. For the record, each brownie bite is 60 calories and I had 3. I should have stopped at one but seriously who can eat only one? And I have logged my treats into my food log and moved on. You should try these if you haven't already. And no I am not suggesting you always indulge in unhealthy treats, but occasionally you just have to. :) The great thing about these is the portion size and the fact that with the help of a chip clip you can reseal the bag and save some for later (as in days, weeks later!).
3. I like to dress down on Fridays at work usually because I wear jeans and nice tops (which is dressed up for me!) during the week. Today I really wanted comfy clothes. Most of my loungy type comfortable pants have become too big. I have one pair that is my absolute fave but I swore to the hubby that I would only wear them at home now because it seriously looks like someone moved out of the back end of them. So, I remembered a track suit I had in the closet from about 8 years ago. It's Vols orange made by Adidas just like what the Lady Vols basketball team wears (or did 8 years ago) and I remember putting it in the closet because I hated how my butt and thighs looked in it.. hello dimples! Well, I put it on this morning and the pants look like someone moved out. Oh and the dimples from so many moons ago? Not there!? Could it be some of my trouble spots are becoming less noticeable or was the mirror just being nice to me today? Hmm, now I just need to stay away from the aforementioned brownie bites. haha
4. I haven't mentioned my exact weight here in a while. Let me just say I am now only 15-16 lbs from my goal. Apparently my body is finally deciding to cooperate with the scale or the scale is playing tricks on me. I am going with the first based on #3 and the fact that other clothes fit a bit differently than they were fitting. And again I say, I must stay away from the brownie bites.
5. I'm struggling to stay awake this afternoon. I'm guessing it is the sugar. I don't usually eat sugar midday but I did today. I think it is the reason I feel as though every sleepy bug in the colony has bitten me. Tonight I have tons to do at home, which likely won't get done (just throwing that out there for hubby in case he is reading) but I know that I will be in bed early!