Monday, February 21, 2011

>25 mile week...DONE!

>This week was my first 25 mile week. I logged 25 total miles in a matter of 4 runs last week! I am totally stoked about that.
So, how did my runs go?

2/14 - On the schedule was a 4 miler. The weather was PERFECT. I had the afternoon to myself because hubby was away and the kids were with my inlaws. So, I got dressed at work, turned my Garmin on and headed right out the door down the sidewalk. The run felt tough at first but once I found my mojo it was a really great run. I ended at 4.6 miles and a 10:55 pace. Not too bad for a solo run.

2/16- I had 6 miles on  my training schedule for the day and was not looking forward to doing it alone or on the treadmill. Hubby agreed to 4 miles outside with me though so that made me feel better. My plan was to hit the 4 outside with him and get another 2 done inside on the treadmill while he did his weight workout. Hubby is a quicker runner than I am. 4 miles is a short run and of course on his short runs (and usually  mine too) he runs at a much faster pace than a long run. Now, 6 miles isn't exactly a long run for me but midweek it is much longer than a 3 miler I would normally do. We ended our 4 miles at about a 10:15 min/mile pace. There were a few times I looked down at my Garmin to see a sub 9 min/mile. I had to pull back the reigns as tell hubby there was no way I could hang at that pace. We did great with those 4 miles though and I am happy he was able to push me. When I got back to the gym it was tough hopping on the treadmill to finish up 2 miles. It is not easy going from outdoors to the movement of the treadmill. I ended up having to set the incline on the treadmill to finish up the 2 miles but held steady to a 10:42 pace inside for an entire 2 miles with no break. My endurance is totally improving and I really began to notice it on this run. 6 miles done in an hour and 4 mins = 10:40 min/mile.

2/17- Treadmill run. My plan called for 4 miles. I told myself I was going to take it easy and break if I needed to. Turns out this run was much better than I planned on it being. I felt so strong even though I had ran 6 miles the day before. It's so odd to me how that sometimes happens. I cranked up the Pink on my iPod and set the treadmill at 5.6 mph. I decided my comfort zone was 10:42 min/mile. I really can't recall after so many days passing the exact process of this run, but I do remember feeling immediately after it was over that my endurance is really really improving every time I run. I ended with 4 miles in 42 mins... 10:26 min/mile.

2/19- Long run Saturday with the group. Up for 10 miles, my second! Terri and I had talked earlier in the week that we would go 6 with one of our other buddies and at the "drop off" we would head back out for the other 4 miles I needed to get in for the day. Our other running pal is somewhere between 6-7 months pregnant and a total rock star! We started Saturday's run and she mentioned she was comfy at a 10:30 pace. Now, normally this is a pretty swift pace for me. I can maintain this pace for a couple of miles but huffing and puffing. I could see Terri looking back and checking on me several times, she's good like that, and offers me walk breaks to catch my breath if I need them but this run felt so strong. I felt strong. Strong is an excellent feeling. We decided the bathrooms were at about the 3 mile point and we always stop for potty breaks on the long run. And yes, I stop Garmin for potty breaks. :) Anyway, I was determined to run the entire almost 3 miles until potty breaking. And I did just that! Imagine my surprise when I looked and noticed the time on my Garmin. We had another 3 miles back where we would drop Kate off and Terri and I would head back out for another 4. We pottied again at the 6 mile break. I was kind of a high at this point because I noticed my time and knew that if we maintained the pace we were holding I would definitely make this 10 miler in a shorter time than the last 10 miler just a week before. Terri was constantly checking on me to see if I needed a break and she is the perfect running partner, constantly offering support and kudos to me and the awesome job I was doing. I appreciate that so much. I'm not the best at chatting it up during runs and will admit that our pace was a bit fast for me so my conversation wasn't the best. I appologized to Terri for this already and do hope to improve this task! lol We reached our 10 mile marker at 1:46:15....8 minutes faster than the 10 m iler I ran just a week before. I was thrilled. I honestly could not have asked for a better run. Actually, if I am being completely honest THIS RUN is my best to date. The weather was awesome, my body felt amazing and the trail is quite possibly  my favorite, the company is most excellent as well. Overall there is not a whole lot I would change about Saturday's run, if anything for me it would walk breaks... I would totally love to run an entire 10 miles with NO single walk breaks, but I believe in listening to the body and if a walk break is needed so be it. Terri was kind enough to let me in on what our splits were... mile 7 was done in 9:55!! Smokin! Thank you so much for an excellent run! 10 miles in 1:46:15 at an average pace of 10:37.

That is how my week went. 4 runs and 25 miles later.....this girl is still on cloud 9!!