Today I had my follow up with my orthopedic dr for what will (hopefully) be the last time. I also had my last session with my physical therapist. The good news is that I don't need surgery (for now) and am to only call the orthopedic dr IF something happens or I am in pain. It's also awesome that I am running/working out pain free. I am only slightly bummed that I won't see my PT anymore. These last 12 weeks were long. I got use to those good stretching sessions real quick and am going to miss that. I've learned a LOT about my body and listening to it, watching for signs and how to take care of it so I can perform the way I want to when I run and workout. I'm not happy that I got injured but I will say that it was a good thing. It's taught me how important proper rest is for the body. I'm happy to finally be back...I'm not gonna be stopped! I'm excited to move forward with my training and can't wait to cross a few more finish lines in the fall!
Thank you all so much for your continued support and encouragement the last few months! I've had some weak moments but wouldn't have made it through them without the support of my friends, family and all those that surround me daily...that includes YOU by loyal blog readers. So, thank you!