I'm not much for dressing up and didn't really have an Olympic athlete in mind that I could go as. I'm sure if I had worked a little harder I could have come up with something but I just wore my favorite Team USA tee and went as a runner. Good enough? Yes.
Here are a few of the pics from the various events...
Kara Goucher showed up and started us off. She had to chug a beer, jump rope 25 times before running through a couple of obstacles. She took it like a champ!
Olympic gymnasts know how to do it! He was on my team and totally stuck all his landings. Don't ask what I'm doing in the background. I'm pretty sure after a little indulgence of the vino and then my turn to chug I was ready to pass out. I manged to get this part of the games done though. We moved on to a little tug-o-war next.
I was really working it. We all were, can't you tell by the looks on our faces!? We took down our first competitors but when it came time to go against my husband's team it was over. We went down and I'm pretty sure he tugged all of us all on his own.
We also had to do a little bungee activity where we filled a bucket with water using a solo cup. This activity would prove to be the toughest for me. It was a hoot and I'm sorry there is no photographic evidence of how awesome I was. Ok, fine.. I fell! Going out to get the water was easy. Coming back was not, for me...especially after the few drinks I'd already had before so going back I lost my footing and the bungee kind of pulled me down hill. I did land on the bad hip but saved the water in my cup! Here's my husband making it look totally easy.
There was also a three legged race and some planking. Since I took part in the bungee activity I didn't have to take part in the three legged race for my team. Everyone did have to plank though. Last person planking won the points for their team. My longest plank to date was a solid 3 mins which I thought was pretty good. Sadly I would not be able to out plank the winner who held a plank for over 6 minutes! But here I am at least attempting to make it look effortless.
This whole night was SO much fun. My team didn't take the gold(schlager) but we did come in for the bronze (rum). Here's my whole awesome team sporting our medals.
Lots of fun was had and I was again reminded how awesome our running group is. Thanks so much to our amazing hosts for a great night!