Saturday I even pulled of a 10 miler (1:38:26) with a great group of ladies. My hip managed fine and I was only a bit tight later in the day. Nothing my handy foam roller couldn't help with.
I had big plans to get up Monday morning and hit the gym early BUT I sent these two precious pieces of cargo off to another school year!
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One of these two was a bit more excited about school starting than the other. They both said their first day was awesome. We are adjusting to our new routine just fine. The only problem for Mom is the Olympics and my lack of sleep! I've said twice this week that I was going to make those early morning classes. #fail
Monday I made it to BodyPump and pulled off an easy 5k afterwards (28:35). I would prefer to do my run before a weights session but I made this work. Tuesday I hit spin class and got a nice 15 mile ride in before torturing my mid-section in 15 mins of nonstop AbsBlast class. I had PT this evening and really should have made today the day I got out of the house early to get my run on but for whatever reason they only air the events I am most interested in at 11pm! What is up with that?
Anyway, I decided to get my run in after PT. It was hot but I thought it would do me some good to run outside. I left my car parked at the PT office and decided to run my regular route for 1.5 miles before turning around and running to the school where my husband coaches football. They had a scrimmage tonight so he could just take me to my car afterwards. I had hoped for 5 miles but was just a 1/4 mile short. A great run overall considering the heat (45:02).
I wouldn't write home about it unless you'd like to talk about the fact that I needed to take a pee break and darted into the woods to do so. The coast was clear, I was basically far enough back to not be seen or so I thought. Three folks on bikes stopped dead right on the trail as I was getting ready to pop a squat in the woods. They were yelling stuff and just stopped right there. What they were yelling I couldn't tell but I watched, waiting for them to figure out my plan and move along. No such luck. After a good 3 minutes wasted I came out of the woods and contemplated screaming obscenities at them but since there was a kid (and they would've been faster than me on those bikes should they choose to chase me) I kept my mouth shut and just kept running. I've no clue if that was sweat running down my leg but I'd like to say my bladder got shy. I managed to continue my run with no further excitement.
My goal tomorrow is to make it to another BodyPump class and run some 400m repeats afterwards. And even though the Olympics went off almost an hour ago I still won't be going at the crack of dawn. Post work workouts just require a bit more energy. Thankfully rest day is coming up soon!
Have a great rest of the week y'all!
And yes, for those that have messaged me... I will post a PT update soon! :)