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I met the KTC group in Cades Cove last Saturday for my long run. I'm not really following training plan but am training for another half marathon. Cades Cove has 3 loop options. A 3-4 mile loop, 8 miles and 11 miles. I chose the long loop. I have a hard time going up there and just running a short loop. I'm always afraid I will miss something good, plus the long loop is where the bathroom is and well....you know me.
I ran the first half of the loop with Brooke. We were lucky enough to have one of our friends on a bike taking pics. She snapped a few as we whizzed by!
Brooke was worried about being able to keep up with me for this run. She should not have been concerned. I'm not that fast and Saturday I would prove that. Cades Cove is never an easy run. I've not ran it since my injury so it was definitely no easier this day. I managed though. We were stopped early in the run by some deer frolicking in the woods. We attempted to pose for a picture, which cracks me up.. check out this total awesomeness.
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~Side note- I hate this picture. I look awful in so many ways.
Moving on....
Going into mile 5 I was running with Brooke, Bernadette, and Dave. Ahead of us was our lovely friend on her bike ready for pics. I felt something hit my arm. Thinking it was a bug I went to flick it off my arm only to realize it was not a bug. A bird had done it's business and it landed on my arm. Ewwww gross!!! I had a few choice words for the bird. My sentiments were caught on camera, thankfully only in still and no voice coverage is available. I was not nice!
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At the split off to the rest rooms Brooke went on to finish the run while I made a pit stop and took the chance to refuel a little. This part of the run is where I begin to feel how hard the Cove is. The last half to me is mostly uphill. Nothing exciting to report. I started back on my own but this half ended up being very busy. I ran along side a mom and her 7 yr old daughter on their bikes. Every hill the little girl was discouraged but there was one killer hill where the girl hopped off her bike and was crying so hard. I felt so bad for her but encouraged her and told her she was doing so great. Her mom asked me about the rest of the route and the hills. I wanted to tell her it wasn't that bad but just wasn't sure. I ran on ahead and they caught back up to me, we played leap frog a while. Came to another hill and I felt awful for the little girl. She just let out a huge sigh and at that point I said, "Want me to push your bike up this hill?" She hopped off her bike so fast! lol Bless her heart. She rocked out that ride. I was proud of her.
The last couple of miles are always tough. I was tired but really wanted to be done so I kept running at a decent pace. My goal was to stay around a 10:30 mm for the entire run. I was happy to be under that for the whole run! I ended up finishing 10.75 miles in 1:50 and change for a 10:15 overall pace, under goal is always a positive.
Bernadette and I saw this baby bear on our way to the end of the run...
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After completing the run we all hung out for food and fellowship. If the run wasn't so awesome this part would be my favorite. Good running, good food, good friends and good times.
No matter how many times I run Cades Cove it is always a great experience. It will always be a favorite running route.