Friday, July 29, 2011

The Tempo

For the last 3 weeks I have been following the half marathon training guide that was in my latest edition of Runner's World Mag. I decided to use this training plan for my upcoming fall half marathons because it seemed to be a decent change up from the one I used in the spring from So far I am liking it much better.

In the winter/spring I didn't really have a plan with my program that included speed work, tempo and the long run though I am sure I should have. I just never "got" the whole tempo thing. That probably has to do with the fact that I was still not a very good runner. It probably also had to do with the fact that all my runs (short ones included) included at least 1 walk break. I still am not ashamed to take a walk break when needed.

SO anyway, the tempo. I never was good at this. Never even did it. I can do speed work which I still have a love/hate relationship with. I can do hill repeats, but often skip because let's face it...hills suck! Just being honest. ;) And then the long run, I got that one down and finally love the long run. But tempo is not something I felt comfortable with before. It is a part of my new program though. Every Thursday.

Yesterday my plan called for 5 miles with 2 mile tempo. Ok.
*My* plan was this... I had set myself up before that I was going to have a bad run, by the way.
I would run the first mile as a warm up. Then mile 2-3 would be my tempo run set at the pace RW suggested based on my last race (PRR 10k) and the last 2 miles would be fast (er).

Here is what actually took place.
Mile 1 - 10:06 which is faster than warm up pace for a semi longer run.
Mile 2-3 10:31 RW's training calculator said I should actually set my Tempo pace at 11:41 but y'all that seems slow. Even my half marathon was ran at a faster pace than that and I haven't ran a short run or even a long run at that pace in a long time. I just couldn't do it. So I set my pace at 10:31 and felt great.
Mile 4-5 - I don't recall the pace exactly because honestly I was all over the place. I finished the entire 5 miles in 51:24 and was quite pleased because my overall pace was just at 10:17 (i think) and that made me happy.

Happy because I successfully ran a real Tempo run for the first time. Happy because I had just ran 5 miles with NO walk break (and I even used an incline on the treadmill for part of the run!). Happy because I had set myself up prior to my run to have a bad run.

I'm happy because now with my running I am able to tell myself this...

courtesy of

Thursday, July 28, 2011

>insert fancy title here<

I am lacking creativity today so the title of this post is left up to you. :)

Here's what's going down with me...
~ The scale is not moving. Well at least not down (so maybe I should have said here's what's up with me..haha). I am working hard on the scale though. I have logged every morsel of food I have put in my mouth on MFP ( and I am logging my exercise (which is not lacking much). I need the scale to move because at this point I feel like giving up and you guys know I am not a quitter.

~ Because the scale won't move in the right direction I decided to finally have the hubby take my measurements. It seems, after looking back through old posts, that I have not taken measurements since Feb 2010. That seems totally not like me but oh well. Here are the measurements from then/now:
-neck 13.5/13
-chest 40/37
-waist 35/33.5
-hips 41/39
-bicep 13.5/11.5
-thigh 27/24
-calf 16/15
Somewhere along the way I lost a total of 13 inches. Please, Lord, I'd love to lose 13 lbs.

~ I've been reading Jillian Michael's book, "Winning by Losing," in hopes that I can win and lose all at the same time. haha Anyway, I am totally confused with all the caloric intake/output, blah blah blah....MBR, AMR and everything in between. I did the math all on my own last night. Basically I need 1500+ calories to survive the day. Typically I eat around 1200-1500. Then I workout almost daily burning at least 450 calories in a workout. This means I need to eat 2000+ calories for the day. Huh?!? I mean it makes sense BUT I have a hard time most days meeting the 1500 goal. Then I workout and need to eat more and that's to lose weight?! I have a headache.

~ Today I have tried hard to make sure I get close to the caloric goal of 2352 that I will need to meet after I run my 5 miles tonight but I'm falling short... 1720 and I still need to eat dinner plus 2 plums. I feel like all I have done today is eat, eat, eat and eat some more. This should not be rocket science but for me it's hard. It's hard because I just want to lose the last 18-21 lbs (notice how I keep changing the number?). I'm either going to call it quits or become the "laxative girl" from My Strange Addiction. Right now neither of those is a good option. ha.

I don't hate how I look. I even found this picture of my rear end posted on the local Chickfila's Facebook page and recognized my own butt. I wasn't ashamed...

It could be worse, but what I want it to be is a few lbs lighter and a few inches smaller. However, it's not what it once was and I am staying motivated by this...

There's a bright side to everything. :)

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Tuesday Ramblings

~ I am really bad about updating the blog. I run out of topics to discuss (or bore you with). I don't feel like anyone wants to know on a daily basis what I am eating, what my workout is or that I weigh so many times a day it is ridiculous. BUT I think I am going to start back to posting all those things....for my own accountability.

~ Speaking of accountability... I started using MyFitnessPal this week, well technically last week but it is going on a full week that I have been using it. I'm logging everything I eat (even on the weekends!) and logging all my exercise. :) So, if you use MFP and want a buddy, add me... I am "kimert."

~ I kind of (really do) want to cut caffeine and sugar (mostly sweets like ice cream, cookies, candy, etc) out of my diet to see if that will really help bust up the weight loss game I have been playing. I only drink 1-2 Diet Cokes a day and may have one sweet treat a day (whether it be a cookie hubby and I split at dinner or a couple of bites of chocolate) BUT it is still something I would like to try and cut just to see. I know I am not eating enough sugary treats to make a huge difference in my daily caloric intake but it wouldn't hurt overall to cut it out. Diet soda? Eh, I don't know. My doctor's have always told me they aren't harming anything. I drink enough water (80-100 oz) a day to make up for the 12-20 ounces of diet soda I drink a day. So, what's your experience/opinion??

~ Hubby and I were talking over the weekend that it may just be summer that makes it hard to lose weight. We have no real reason for this but it seems like it has definitely been hard to do anything other than maintain my current weight (168, if you have to know). I DID get down to 163 for about 14 seconds one day in June before I left for vacation but that slowly crept up to 165 and then when I got back from vaca I discovered I was 171. eeek. Yikes. Thankfully I have gotten that back down and thinks are under control. too bad the scale won't move again though.

~ I've been really pleased lately with my long runs. I've ran 6 miles (and once 7) the last 3 long runs. I've pretty much gotten to where I can get 6 miles covered in an hour WITH taking a few walk breaks. What is up!? Totally excites me because I think my speed and endurance is finally improving.

~ I'm planning to reach my weight loss goal by Christmas. 19 lbs to go. Or is it 18? I keep forgetting. Either way, Christmas is goal date.

~ I want to start going to bed sooner and making sure I get at least 8 hours of sleep each night. I've been reading that sleep is key to weight loss. I know I would feel better if I got into bed at a decent hour. It would also help with getting up in the morning. So, school starts next week and I really hope I can get back into a decent routine. More sleep, that's another goal.

Thursday, July 21, 2011


1. It's hot here in E. TN. So, I have been taking my runs inside the gym in the cool air. I have no shame in this really. I have been doing my long runs outside though so it's not a total wash as far as running goes. So far this week I have logged 12 miles (not much to some of you high mileage runners I know) and have another 8 planned. I decided to start this week as my next half marathon training session. Yep, I'm gonna run another half marathon. Actually I have two that I am scoping out to run this fall. and another one in November that is local for me. My main goal is the ATL race though. So, that is what I am currently training I just need to get myself (and hubby!) registered. :) Anyway, tonight I ran 4 miles and the plan called for "easy." We all know what easy means... conversational pace. I LOVE that I can now run and call it easy. Now, I don't mean that there was no effort put into the run but it was not hard by any means. And that makes me proud and happy to be a runner. Yep, runner.

2. I took a Core Challenge class at the gym this evening. It was such a great class. We did all kinds of core strengthening exercises with an 8 lb medicine ball. We did mountain climbers and jumping jacks (w/med ball!!), planks and pushups (using the med ball...again!). I was sweating within the first couple of minutes of the warm up! I really love this class and wish I could take it more often but sadly it starts at 5pm and I don't get off work until 5pm. Lucky for me today I had made arrangements to leave work early just to attend the class. I can remember a time that I would find a reason to work late so that I could avoid the gym. And with that I say to myself, "You've come a long way, baby!!!"

3. I won a couple of bloggy give aways. I am excited about them both. I won Jillian Michaels book (the title is escaping me right now) and have started to read it, hoping to gain some insight and maybe learn something I don't know that will help me reach my weight loss goals. And I won a Nuun pack from another blog. I am excited about this as well. I am hoping to do a test drive on my long run coming up on Sunday. Yay for awesome bloggy folks and their fab giveaways. :)

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Saturday's Super 6

Saturday morning I met a friend for my long run. We had talked about running 6-7 miles on the local highway between us. I'd ran on the highway before (alone) and wasn't a huge fan but mostly because I didn't like the big burly truck guys that honked and hollared (E. TN talk for yelled) at me as they drove by. But I was looking forward to running with my buddy.

I try really hard on Friday's, when I know I will be running long the next day, to watch what I eat so that I don't feel the effects of it on my run. I think I did well with that. I also try to get in bed and sleep long enough so that I am up and ready to go rather than dragging and dreading the run. I went to bed at a decent hour but probably could have gone earlier.

I woke up, dressed and munched on a handful of Frosted Mini Wheats before heading out the door. We were meeting at a store just a minute or two from my house. I think it helps mentally meeting closer to run rather than driving 30-40 minutes to a destination. Maybe that's just me though.

The weather was great Saturday morning. It was humid but not like it has been. We started at 7:30 and it was actually a bit cool. Perfect running weather even though in minutes I was drenched with sweat. We decided to go out 3 miles and make it a 6 miler.

I didn't really notice our pace when we started but when I looked down as we approached the one mile mark and saw that my Garmin had us at under 10 minutes for the first mile I was pretty excited. At that point I decided to take a quick walk break because I was afraid if I kept trying to plug along at the faster pace for a long run I would be spent well before the 3 mile turn around. So, we walked a minute and started back up.

Mile 2 came and we were under 10 mins for that mile too! I was excited. Under a 10 minute mile WITH a walk break!?!? That never happens to me. We pushed right along to 3 miles which we hit in under 30 minutes. I only wish I could run this pace in a race I told my friend. She kept encouraging me and pushing me the entire run. I did stop at just beyond 3 miles at the top of a hill to totally catch my breath (I even paused Mr. G) before we headed back down the hill for the remaining 3 miles.

The next couple of miles were slower but we were still averaging just below a 10 minute per mile pace. Most of my long runs have been right at 11 min/mile pace and that IS with walk breaks, too. As we approached the end of our run, coming up on 6 miles I really gave it all I had to climb the tiny hill there at the finish. I wanted badly to be under an hour for our 6 miles but even just seeing 1:00:00 on my Garmin for that 6 miler made me happy.

Just a couple of weeks before hubby and I ran a 10k and finished it in 1:10:00. Just 10 mins longer for only .20 miles. Clearly I had some speed in me on Saturday's run. I came home after my run and told hubby it was perfect...the weather was perfect, my body felt great, I didn't have to battle with my mind to get finished. I just ran and it was SUPER.

Saturday, July 16, 2011

BondiBand winner!

I used and if since I cannot get the widget to show up correctly for me I will just tell you that I entered numbers 1 through 13 and the generator selected lucky #4 this morning.

Kelsey @ Go Girl | 07/08/2011 at 4:19 pm | Reply | Edit I tweeted about it. like a bird.

That is entry #4. So, Miss Go Girl Kelsey, email me your info and I will tell you how to go about claiming your prize!
Thanks to everyone that entered!

Friday, July 15, 2011

Don't forget!!

My BondiBand giveaway . I am taking entries until 7am Saturday. :) I allowed extra time and now you love me. ha!
I will choose a winner tomorrow evening.

Monday, July 11, 2011

Sunday's Slow Seven

I met running buddies Sunday morning at 7:30 am to run 7 miles on the local greenway. It.was.muggy. And hot. Even at 7:30am. The run started pretty good for me but by 3.5 miles I needed a potty break (thanks to my tummy for choosing to always give me grief around 3.5 miles or so) and after that I was burning up so it was hard to get motivated to move. We had to make a brief stop so my friend could apply moleskin to a blister (bless her heart..I hate blisters!) and I think because it was such an abrupt stop and I was so hot I got really lightheaded and thought I was going to have to go behind the trees to blow chunks or just pass out there in the grass. That would have been a swell sight I am sure!

We were making a decent pace (in my opinion) at the start but I was slowly fading and the run became hard for me. Stuffy air makes it hard on my lungs and I just cannot even begin to talk myself into pushing hard. I hate that much as I despise humidity! But the key is I did keep going even if walk breaks were involved.

I had to take another potty break with less than a mile left to run but (pardon the TMI) all I was able to produce were bubbles. SUAR would be proud that I am telling you about the bodily functions that took place on my run. She enjoys a good fart talk. ;) Anyhoo...

After my 2nd potty escapade we were on our way to the end of our run. I tried my hardest to make it up the mostly uphill trail back but admit to having to really slow it down and even walk. I am not ashamed. I would have been ashamed if I had stayed home and not moved at all but I ran 7 miles. Sure it was slow (1:19) but I ran. That is my farthest run since the half marathon in the spring. Yikes. I am happy to be back to running long.

And because I didn't mention it before, my running buddies ran 12 miles on Saturday and STILL met me for 7 on Sunday. Rock stars! I wanna be just like them.

Post run... Check out my shirt! Hubby picked it out at the Peachtree Road Race Expo.
Thank you One More Mile for your awesome quotation tees. This one says, "Sorry honey not tonight I have a long run in the morning." teehee

Friday, July 8, 2011

A review and GIVEAWAY!!

As promised in June I am now getting around to hosting a giveaway!
I contacted the lovely folks over at BondiBand to let them know I was interested in doing a review of their product and hopefully hosting a giveaway for my awesome readers. They quickly emailed me and asked which band I wanted sent to me to review. How suh-weeeeet is that!?!

I was stoked. I love to run (seriously, even as much as I complain about it) and I love to wear cute headbands when doing so. Usually the headbands for me are more of an accessory to match my running outfit of the day but they serve another purpose. Shocker.

BondiBand's are great because they help keep sweat from running all over my face and into my eyes! I learned this on July 4th when I ran the Peachtree Road Race in HOTlanta!

I had the lovely red, white, and blue star BondiBand sent to me to test out for the 10k I had planned on the 4th of July. Patriotic? Yes, please! It was perfect.
If you know anything about summer time running in the south you know it is HOT and it is HUMID. How did my BondiBand work?
I was not hot wearing it. It is light weight lycra and very well at wicking away the sweat. And believe me there was TONS of sweat pouring from my head. My eyes were free from the sting of sweat thanks to this great little invention.

The fine folks at BondiBand sent the one I tested out to me free of charge. And guess what??? They are giving one of my lucky readers a chance to win a headband of their own.

So how do you get in on this little giveaway???

1. Become a follower....SUBSCRIBE to my blog.
2. Go over to BondiBand and tell me what you love!
3. "Like" BondiBand HERE!
4. Spread the word... Facebook, Twitter, and of course through Blogging.

You have multiple chances to win. Just leave a comment for each one ya do and you get an entry! I will run this through July 15th and choose a winner on the 16th! Good luck!

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

And now the pics...


I had some issues trying to get these pics to post and since I just spent an hour trying to get them loaded I don't even care about the order of them. LOL
We had a fun time!

My first 10k (seriously!!)

This weekend my hubby and I headed down to ATL to run a little race you may or may not have heard about.

The Peachtree Road Race can read more about it We hit up the Expo on Saturday when we got to town. We went through all the standard procedures..stand in line to pick up packets/race number etc, then walked around and scoped out the different vendors and such. We picked up some freebies, too. Those are the most fun! I love a good race expo and this one didn't disappoint except there were just too many people for my liking. We did our thing and left pretty quickly.

Usually race packet pick up also means getting the race tee. Not this race! You must FINISH the race in order to EARN the coveted Peachtree Road Race tee shirt. How cool is that!? Pretty neat unless you gain an injury or something, die of heatstroke or any other number of misfortunes in which case you would not finish OR get a tee shirt. Major bummer.
Thankfully we did finish.

I knew going in that it was going to be hot and humid. Another thing I knew was that 60k people registered. Yes, sixty thousand people!!! How crazy is that?? The biggest race I have ran so far was the half marathon in Knoxville and I think there may have been 6000 people but definitely not 60,000. So, the Peachtree was definitely crowded.

We registered for this event early in 2011 or maybe it was late 2010 (my memory sucks). There was a lottery for registration and part of me was secretly hoping we wouldn't get selected BUT I am glad we did. Hubby was to be in coral G and me in H. But since there were so many people running and I knew I could not move up hubby kindly stepped back and ran in H with me. We stayed together the whole race. It was shoulder to shoulder a LOT of this race. We managed to bob and weave around people as much as we could and we maintained a decent pace given the circumstances.

I had hoped to make 1:05 since it was my first 10k but I kept telling myself that
1. it would be hot
2. it would be humid
3. there were hills
4. LOTS of people.

1. It wasn't as hot when we started as I thought it would be (started at 8:05 in wave H). I don't know the exact temp at our start time. But for those folks that were too hot they had spray stations set up on course as well as water stops at every mile! Super nice.
2. It was humid. It did not take long once we started running for the sweat to pour and my shirt to be soaked.
3. ha Hills!? These people clearly do not or have not ran in East TN! There was one hill on the course referred to as "cardiac hill," this makes me giggle. It was not bad at all. The course itself didn't feel as challenging as I had anticipated.
4. So so so many people. Walkers didn't follow proper race etiquette and move to the right side of the road, this was annoying. It was really hard to bob and weave around the slower folks. And yes I am slow but some of these people clearly were not truthful about past race times or cheated there way into faster start corals somehow.

Overall this was a really really great event. It was the perfect way to spen the 4th of July. The city of Atlanta, Atlanta track club, the many volunteers and spectators did a fantastic job. The race and post race events were very well organized. Water stops at each mile were super nice. Spectators were handing out a plethora of goodies from tees to fans to smoothies and even beer. haha

It was my first 10k as well as my first time running the Peachtree Road Race. It is a race I would LOVE to run again.

Finish time: 1:10:09
Total distance: 6.38 miles

Friday, July 1, 2011

Vacation recap

Howdy y'all!
Seems like when I took vacation I took a little blogging break too. What I did NOT take a vacation from was physical activity. While on vacation at the beach my body was movin' movin' and quite a bit too.

As a side note, I wish I was still at the beach getting my tan's faded and if you know me you know how much I love my tanned skin. **Don't worry all you pasty white gals or those that want to lecture me about the effects of sun on my skin....I promise I use spf and what not.** :) Anyway, I loved my entire vacation. This was the best one yet.

As far as activity goes I logged a total of 36 miles. Here is how that all breaks down:
~6/19 - bike ride 12 miles (tandem bike, btw, with me pulling my 50lb 5 yr old son! he wasn't fond of pedaling)
~6/20- ran 3.1 miles, rode 5 miles
~6/21 - rode 2 miles
~6/22 - rode 4.5 miles
~6/23 - ran 4.45 miles (not sure if we rode bikes at all this day since I did not log anything)
~6/24 - rode 5 miles

The best part of our vacation to Hilton Head was renting the tandem bikes. The kids had a great time and it kept the whole family active. It definitely helped me burn a few calories and gave my thighs a good workout, especially since the little guy didn't feel the need to help me pedal much! ha

I admit that we did more eating out this vacation than we normally would have while on vacation. BUT I am ok with that. I was also OK with telling myself I would be fine if I had a slight gain from vacation. I was active and did not make all poor food choices. That being said I only gained 3 lbs while on vacation. Not too bad considering.

Here are a few more vaca pics...
