1. I took spin again today. It was just as fun as Tuesday's class even if we did mostly hills. We did a 7 min hill climb, followed by sprints, 5 min hill climb, sprints, 3 min hill climb, sprints, 1 min hill climb, sprints. Fun class. Even with the tender booty I plan to go back to spin on Tuesday. I am really going to work hard on being in bed by 10 so that getting up at 5:20 am isn't so hard. I liked the class enough that I am willing to go to the 6am class instead of the 5:30 pm class. Sounds crazy, I know!
2. I ate bad today. I ate bad yesterday. I hate the monthly friend that visits because I let her/it take over my rational thinking when it comes to food (sometimes, not evey month) and I make poor choices. I undid all the good from spinning and all the walking today by over indulging in guacamole. Hubby says the plus is that avacados are a good fat. Love him! haha I'm pretty sure that even too much of a good fat is a bad thing. Oh well, tomorrow is a new day. :)
3. We are running a 5k Saturday. I get nervous before the little races. Hate that. I would love to get a 5k PR... under 33 minutes would be a race PR but what I would really love is to run it in under 31 minutes. I think for this Saturday that is just a pipe dream seeing as it is only 2 weeks post half marathon and I have hardly done enough speed work to get me there. Plus see my #2, that surely will not help! ha. But this summer hubby and I are running the Peachtree Road Race in ATL. It's a 10k. My goal this summer (and what is left of spring) is to really hit the speed work and get under an hour for the 10k. That too may be a pipe dream but I'm at least going to make that my training goal.