This was the first time I had been to an expo but since I have been running and reading plenty of running blogs I knew what was to be expected at a race expo. We took $$$. :)
We got coupons, entered drawings and of course shopped!
I got this....
It is a headband from Chicabands and I love it! I debated whether I should wear it for the race or not since I had already bought one for the race that would match my outfit. And because of that, I decided to wait to wear my 13.1 band after the race. I wore it to work today. ;)
We also got the kids a tee shirt each at the expo. They are from last year's Kids Run but at $1 each we just couldn't pass them up and the kids were excited to have them.
While at the Expo we ran into my new friend Kelsey and because we didn't get any pics together at our volunteer session the weekend before I made sure to bring my camera for pics at the Expo.
She is radiant, don'tcha think? She is such an amazing young woman. Beautiful inside and out. I am so happy to have her as a friend. And she's so tall! Or maybe I really am shorter than I think I am! haha
We also ran into some great running buddies at the expo. Since we were all dressed up and looking fine we had to snap a picture. It was funny how we all said, "Wow! You clean up good!" Ha. Makeup, hair done and regular clothes looks good on us. See for yourself!
We ended up leaving the Expo early in the day to head over to the soccer field, BUT we had to return to the Expo because I wanted to make sure my timing chip was working. There was no way I was going to run a half marathon with the doubt that my timing chip may not work properly. So, after soccer the entire family headed back over to the expo. We walked around to the booths...again. This time the kids had fun and enjoyed getting some goodies.
Our favorite part of the expo was the photo booth! I wish I could upload the pics from that. They are too funny!
Hubby decided to stay and volunteer a couple of hours at the Expo so I took the kids on home to start getting everything ready for the big day. I can't wait to share my race recap with you so please stay tuned!!